Monday, February 1, 2016

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  1. I've been told by a friend that works for ACME Markets that the Patterson NY store will not open until sometime in May!! He said they plan on gutting it and remodeling the store since it is empty. Meanwhile Chase Bank is still operating out of a trailer in the parking lot, and the Brewster store seven miles south still does not have a permanent sign! Your thoughts?

  2. I kinda figured that that is what they would do with bothe the Boonton and Patterson NY stores. At this point after being closed over two months nothing will be gaIned businesswise rushing to reopen them minimal remodeling. The only reason they did it with the outer stores is they did not want them to be closed long enough to lose loyal business. This Business Has allrady been lost in the cases of these two store no reason to not do a full remodel. I feel A&P employees that have been promised their jobs back by both Acme and their Union Continueing to be unemployed longer.

  3. The barnegat store will open feb. 5 (this friday)

  4. Hey, Acme Style manager, did you forget about the post relating to my photos of the Blairstown store- you promised they'd be up by last Saturday. Just wondering.

    1. Unfortunately I didn't get to them posted as I had planned to. They'll be going up later this week.

  5. I will be back in town within the next 2 weeks, do you need photos of the clayton store, i need to run some stuff through my car to clean the system out, so going down there isn't a big deal for me.

    1. Sure do! Hoping the remodel is either in progress or completed by now.

    2. I wouldn't be too optimistic about the remodel being done yet. Chester Springs still has not begun their renovation.

    3. Good to know! I was going to swing by there on my next road trip.

  6. Another store I'm curious about is the St Michaels Acme. It too has the neighborhood marketplace decor and was listed on the store remodel list. I'll try to get down to that store in a month or so to check it out.

  7. What style remodel decor so you think Acme Markets will use for Patterson? Acme style can you show me an example please?

    1. Probably the same kind going into Barnegat...

      Click the "Decor: Quality Built" tag in the directory for more examples

  8. The top Half of the letter A on the front of the Milltown Acme fell down

    1. I saw that! Tried to take a picture but it was after dark and you couldn't really tell in the picture that the A was busted.

  9. I read on Progressive Grocer (from a comment) that Acme was cutting hours and workers. Is this true? I hadn't heard about it until now...

    1. For clarification, the comment was written a month ago, specifically sometime after the A&P acquisitions. It might be that ACME was just trying to integrate the A&P acquisition more, but I don't know.

  10. Albertsons Florida Blog now has pictures of what the renovated Albertsons stores (to be rebranded as Safeway) will look like, and it's completely new décor, unlike anything Safeway or Albertsons has seen.

  11. Since it was still February when I saw it it counts...I'll repost if necessary in the March thread once it opens.

    I noticed something interesting as I was on my way to work Monday. As I've told you, the now former Clifton Pathmark is in my neighborhood. As I've also told you, the store has sat, almost completely untouched, since it closed last September (even the registers still worked). Well, what do I see parked on the original loading dock next to the salvage trailer that was never removed? A ShopRite trailer.

    From what I'm hearing, Cuellar Family Markets (the owner of the ShopRite in Passaic, which is now the only one since Inserra closed the Eighth Street store and just happens to be located about one mile from the Pathmark site) wants to use the store (or at least part of it) to open a ShopRite Liquors. I don't know what they need to do about getting the license- there was once a liquor store on the property but it relocated long before Pathmark took out the strip mall businesses to expand the store and I don't know if the landlord kept the liquor license. But it certainly is something to watch for.
