Friday, February 12, 2016

First tour of the Barnegat Acme!

Location: 912 West Bay Avenue, Barnegat, NJ

Interior photos courtesy of Lou

Word is Acme didn't make many changes to the former Genuardis' layout. The signature green ceiling  is still intact.

Plenty of big, bold signage for the organic section in Produce.

Since when are aisle markers used to tell customers to visit other departments rather than listing what's in the aisle? Very bizarre.

Single line leads to several express registers.

Not sure whats going on here. Perhaps a single line for all of the regular registers as well.

The lounge area will become a Starbucks by June.


  1. That hasn't been the first time Acme's done that- look at some of the photos from the Red/White/Blue era- some of those stores had similar things in their aisle markers.

  2. I hope Patterson looks like this!! I love the cohesiveness of this look!!! Beautiful!! Love the green ceiling as well. Good Luck Acme, a really beautiful supermarket!!

  3. How's the pizza? For an Acme, that's new.

    1. Other Acmes have pizza, especially the ones that inherited A&P's pizza stations.

    2. It looks like the reopened Long Beach Island store had one. I assume they're using the Safeway Signature Café pizza program?

  4. Painting those ceilings must be a royal pain in the ass. I'm not surprised that it was left green because it probably doesn't matter much at all.

    1. I work for an electrical contractor, some of the stores we do (small ~10K square feet jobs like Family Dollar) need their exposed ceilings repainted. Even for those small stores it can be a three-five day operation for one guy with a sprayer. Couldn't tell you how many five gallon buckets of paint.

      We did one large (70K square feet) sporting goods store, the painter spent three weeks in a Tyvek suit repainting the exposed ceiling in that store. Five days a week at 10 hours a day. Everyone needed masks and goggles with the paint in the air.

    2. Explains why some decorative ceilings go away. When I was younger, an H-E-B near my grandfather's house had certain pipes of the exposed ceiling painted red, other parts blue. Eventually, they just painted everything gray, probably because it would be a pain to maintain them as separate colors.

  5. Seems I've seen that done with the aisle signs somewhere as well. Perhaps that aisle didn't have a lot of categories so they just did that rather than have blank spots?

    Also - the Hannaford chain up this way tried that "single line" thing for a while but have since gotten rid of it.

    Theirs was for everyone, except the couple self checkouts (which actually makes sense, since if you are directing everyone to the next available line, it really doesn't matter how large an order someone has as you won't necessarily wind up behind them at the register).
    Or it could just be a temporary thing as a new location since they tend to be busy to start, so one line perpendicular to the registers rather than having people lined up at each checkout blocking the whole front of the store if they are more than a couple carts deep?

    1. Single line should move people quicker. With some supermarkets and Walmart, you have to see which ones are open and then move to them, with nicer ones like H-E-B they'll tell you which line to move to so you'll be no more than second in line. I think Albertsons is supposed to do "3's a Crowd", though at least at the last Randalls I was at, that didn't happen.

  6. How big is this store? It is always hard to tell in pictures.

    1. It has a smallish feel. Word on the street around here is that Barnegat Twp approached Shoprite about opening there but was denied because of the size. Acme, however, has always operated smaller stores and ones of all sizes for that matter.

  7. I don't like the dark warehouse shell look. Reminds me too much of the old Clifton store I used to call the Batcave.

    1. It's definitely a lot brighter than the previous Safeway lifestyle package.

  8. There was no single line for the registers today.
