Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Sign is up at Cottman Avenue Acme!

Photos courtesy of Eddie 

Location: 2101-41 Cottman Ave, Philadelphia, PA

The facade was still in need of some fresh paint when this photo was taken. The Citizens Bank sign has not changed since the Pathmark closed but there were some scars left from a previous update that Acme is now covering over. 

For full coverage of the Cottman Avenue store,
please click here


  1. The Roosevelt Mall complex is the central shopping district of a very densely populated area in Northeast Philly. Acme already has wide name recognition in the area. It's a very mid-level area, too. I don't see why this location won't be among the most successful Pathmark takeovers.

  2. Looks nice and the store looks busy too!!! Good for Acme Markets!

  3. The 90s was a really good era for A&P architecture-wise. People talk about the centennial stores from the 50s through the 70s but I think that the centennial throwbacks and the stores like this with the glass windows on the front were nice.

    I also liked the old brown shingle fronts like the old Maplewood store had. So many of them got ruined by that ugly bright green paint when they were converted to Sav-A-Centers. The old Passaic store repainted them in beige, then returned the store to green when Food Basics took over the store.

  4. Good looks! I like the architecture of this exterior! Just like North Brunswick A&P.

    Just looked on the store locator…there are 15 ACMEs in Philly alone??? That's INSANE!!!!!

    1. Shoprite has 17 including their Fresh Grocer stores; the new acquisitions bring Acme a lot closer to them.

    2. Yeah, just like the North Brunswick, A&P, this design will always have a special place in my heart.
