Photo courtesy of John from WISL1480.com
Location: 500 W Bertsch St, Lansford, PA

We'll see down below how this store is located in a rather isolated, out-of-the-way spot in town.

Boyer's carts look to be nearly identical to the ones Acme uses, minus the cup holders.

Magic carpets still going strong!

The Checkerboard Arch flooring is rarely found in any Acme. Store's that received the new décor retained their 80's checkerboard flooring. The old Beach Haven store is one of the few to have received it. Click here for a look.

Not sure if I've arranged John's pictures in the correct order as we tour the store. I used the classic Acme layout as a guide.

Gotta give the classic air vents a shout-out!

Tight aisles!

The cases look to be left over from the Acme days.

The lighted bread aisle! Acme used these gold panels often for first aisle, Health and Beuaty Aids aisles and the bread aisle. The lighting was kicking around in stores remodeled and built in the 70's and early 80's but became standard in the 80's remodels.


Acme's philosophy with many of their 50's stores was "if we build it, they will come".

Arched roof for a portion of the building. The right side was most likely an addition that happened sometime in the 60's. The oldest available aerial is from 1969.


Be sure to check out the Boyer's/Former Acmes in Tamaqua, Ashland, and Pottsville.
The Acme in Mantua NJ used to use those gold panels on their shelves as well, especially the aisle that shared crackers, juice and soup.