Friday, January 12, 2018

Welcome to...


The Acme Style Blog launched 10 years ago today and will call it a wrap at the end of 2018. I know this is disappointing news, for both you and me, but all will not be lost. The blog and all of its content will remain on the internet after closing and I will continue to explore Acme's history on Acme Style's flickr account. Unfortunately, I no longer have the time to invest and maintain the blog format. Not to mention, I have talked about Acme just about all I can at this point... and I'm sure some of you would agree! Switching over to simplified photo coverage with a minimal amount of writing and maintenance will help keep Acme Style going long into the future. But for now, let's all enjoy the Acme Style Blog's final year of posts! 


  1. I'm sorry to hear this. You have not only done a fantastic job documenting the history of this chain, but have also inspired others to try their own hand at supermarket blogging -- myself included. I'm looking forward to continuing coverage on Flickr. Congratulations on ten years of great posts, and thank you for your efforts!

    1. Thanks supermarket_fan! You're running a great supermarket blog yourself!

  2. NO! We aren't gonna let you go down without a fight! Tell your boss or whoever that you need more time to chronicle Acme than focusing on whatever's been draining your time away.

    1. If only I could get rich off of Acme Style, I wouldn't need to bother with a job!

  3. Sorry to hear this! This is a great site! Your efforts are well appreciated and respected!

    1. Thank you njaldilover! I appreciate you visiting and participating in Acme Style.

  4. Sad to hear! I've read your blog since I came across the old Quakertown Acme by accident on a search train, and been hooked since! I can't wait for Flickr, but sad to see you go. :(

    1. Glad I got you hooked! There's already plenty to see over on flickr. I've been using it for "the best of Acme Style" for years now.

  5. Acme Style, you've been an inspiration to countless retail fans and bloggers, and I've thoroughly enjoyed your posts over the years. In fact, I think yours is the first site that truly got me into this hobby. I'm sad it's come to this, but glad to hear both the content will remain online and you'll have more free time without having to satisfy demanding readers like us :) Also looking forward to seeing you around flickr more in the future! Congrats on 10 years!

  6. I am also sorry to see he blog go, but you deserve a break!

    In regards to the lack of an update to this store, the roof issue might have made them decide to take a "wait and see" approach to the store. You have to wonder if something else won't be on the verge of collapse.

    1. The original building is ancient and clearly had serious issues with the roof. I wonder if Acme knew anything about it before grabbing this store. May have been a costly surprise.

    2. Would Acme be responsible for that? I doubt they own the building so I'm inclined to believe the landlord would be the one to be pegged for building repairs that don't involve a remodel.

    3. Well that's true. I'm not sure who would have to foot the bill

  7. I really don't want to see the blog go, but I totally understand how busy life can get. I just want to let you know that this site was what first got me interested in retail. It was sometime in early 2011 I came across your site (specifically your Bristol Superfresh post), and I was instantly hooked.
    Looking forward to seeing what you will be putting up on Flickr!

    1. Thanks Anthony! It's not a decision I made lighting but all good things eventually have to come to an end. The Bristol Superfresh post is one of my all-time favorites. I just happened to stumble across the place in the early days of doing the blog.

  8. Like many people have already said, this blog had made many, including myself, look at grocery stores and retail in a completely different light. While I was casually interested in this stuff for most of my life, it wasn't until my accidental discovery of this blog in 2010 that the seed was planted and I knew that one day I wanted to try doing something similar myself. Thank you Acme Style for the many years of reading pleasure, and for inspiring me to take my own crazy adventure into exploring the supermarkets of Florida. This blog will be greatly missed, but at least you'll still be active in this community through flickr.

    1. You're welcome, Albertsons Florida Blog! Once Acme Style closes, I'll have more time to enjoy all the other blogs that were inspired by it.

  9. I can't believe this is happening. I've been a follower of this blog since 2013, the year the Acme in Mantua, NJ closed, which was WHY I followed this blog in the first place. After reading the news that this blog is closing, I wish I could've done more to contribute. Plus there are more Acme stores that need to be covered or updated before the blog closes. I respect your reason for letting it go, but it will be sad to see no more new posts on Acme Style in the future.

    1. Thanks for the contributions you have made, Erica! I am planning on getting ALL open Acmes represented on the blog before it closes.

  10. Before the blog locks up for good, I would like to see the Decor Directory for Quality Built and that exposé on why the converted A&P stores did poorly you said you wanted to do.

    I think that Acme Style's history witnessed an interesting time in Acme's history, starting as a has-been supermarket under SuperValu that seemed to be heading toward oblivion, the reuniting of Acme with Albertsons LLC and the steps taken to turn it around, the Safeway acquisition, the A&P acquisition, and the struggles today.

  11. Thank you for the last 10 years 96-06. I have loved this site. I worked at the bear Delaware store for 10 years. I was hoping before the site closes that you could do a post on that store. I live in Florida now and would love to see what the store looks like today.
