Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Home Delivery Now Available!

Acme finally rolled out home delivery a little over a week ago. Instacart is handling the service for Acme stores, as well as others under the Albertsons umbrella. I have never ordered home delivery. It's too much fun going to the grocery store than to have it delivered!

It would be great if someone could give us the rundown on instacart. I have no idea how it all works. Does instacart do the actual shopping in the stores? I realize they do the delivery but I'm not sure who's responsible for fulfilling the orders in store. I haven't seen any Acme employees shopping for delivery customers like I do at ShopRite. The Hoboken ShopRite does a HUGE home delivery business. Employees are always shopping the store first thing in the morning to fulfill orders. I'm always surprised to see some of these employees' carts filled to the max. I can't imagine letting someone else to do my food shopping. A couple of quick items is one thing but a whole week's worth of groceries? Never. Anyway, I'd appreciate if someone could explain how Acme is handling home delivery. Who shops for the food? Where is it stored prior to delivery? (ShopRite has very visible home delivery departments in their stores). Is instacart on call at each store to do deliveries quickly? (Acme says delivery can happen in as little as two hours). This is a whole new aspect of grocery shopping that I have no knowledge of and have absolutely no plans to use.


  1. I'm pretty sure Instacart does shop the store, or use the backrooms... I'll double-check, and post a reply if I find something otherwise.

  2. No idea on how they do it, but interesting that the Price Chopper chain just started working with them in the last month or so as well.

    PC had offered deliveries from a handful of their stores, mostly those near the Albany area ShopRite stores that also do this previously, but not very many.

    Only given the talks a while back about this chain possibly being sold (which didn't happen), but...

  3. Instacart hires personal shoppers that often sit around in their cars waiting for orders to fulfill. I read an article about the process but I don't remember where. The prices online are higher than in store so they can pay the personal shoppers.

  4. Instacart hires independent contractors, similar to Uber drivers, to go do the shopping and perform the delivery. I believe, though I don't know for sure, that their people make themselves available for a block of time per day and fulfill orders during that timespan. I know that they also fulfill orders from Whole Foods and certain Wegmans stores.

    I had registered with them, but once I dove a little deeper and saw what people actually end up being paid, I said no thanks.

  5. Yeah the prices are terrible. Not as bad when you choose Wegman’s or another store that has lower prices throughout their stores, but ACME isn’t exactly setting the world on fire with low prices. Once Instacart adds their markup, it’s like grocery shopping at a 7/11 in Manhattan. I cannot see this fad lasting very long.

  6. The Peapod home Delivery services from Ahold Delhaize USA is probally one of the best, since they are, beside in Philly (through GIANT), DC (through Giant MD) and NYC/New England (through Stop & Shop), but they are also is Chicago and SE Wisconsin, with the Giant/Stop & Shop brands called Peapod brand there.

  7. There's no Instacart available in my area; but it doesn't matter because both Acme & Shop Rite do deliver. Years ago I used Acme's home delivery, it was great! Until the delivery guy was a friend's ex druggie husband, who was annoying as hell😂.
