Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Self-checkouts to the rescue in Fort Lee!

Location: Location: 2160 Lemoine Ave, Fort Lee, NJ  

What a beautiful sight! 5 brand-new self-checkouts in the exact spot where A&P had theirs. This area has been completely dead space since Acme took over.  Despite having a beautiful Quality Built décor update, Fort Lee did not receive a new Customer Service/express register desk which would have made perfect sense in this area. And check this out... they even have an express register open beside all the self-checkouts! More often than not, this store has zero express registers open.

The self-checkouts could not have come sooner. Fort Lee has been getting hammered on yelp for its lack of open registers. Same complaints that we've been seeing at so many other stores... only 2 to 3 registers open, long lines, employees standing around doing absolutely nothing. It's been the Acme way for two years now. This past Saturday, Fort Lee had NINE registers open and ready for customers. Hopefully this store can win back disgruntles shoppers!

For a full tour of the Fort Lee store, please click here.


  1. I don't think it's too late to get people back, especially if the store is easier to reach than ShopRite.

    1. No ShopRites in this area but plenty of other competition.

  2. It's about ******* time! Whoever decided to remove the self checkouts should be tarred & feathered!

  3. Maybe King of Prussia will get their self checkouts back! Maybe along with a new front end manager, store director, produce manager, frozen manager, and dairy manager! Fort Lee might have done a good job at getting customers angry, but KOP has to be top 5 of the worst run stores in the state. You think of the biggest mall in the US and all the nice stores and new housing going up, and there you have the worst run ACME in the chain... from top to bottom. Sorry, I’m still salty after I waited 28 minutes in line the other day for 2 items.

    1. Pretty sure Mall of America is still bigger...

    2. 1) King of Prussia is my ACME. While it certainly went downhill in the last decade, it totally went to hell after the self checkouts were removed a year ago.

      2) After it's 2016 expansion, KOP is now larger than MOA. For now.

    3. KOP is the biggest in terms of floor area, MOA is bigger by total size (including the huge space in the middle for the theme park)

    4. How was KOP expanded? I don't recall seeing any new space the last time I was there. I was in that store numerous times in the mid-90's. The place would be packed in the middle of a weekday afternoon!

    5. KOP connected the Court and the Plaza, which added more shops and a new food court.

    6. Oh, you all were taking about the mall. I was talking about the Acme.

  4. Gee, Malvern us only five minutes away

  5. The KOP mall was expanded when they connected the Court and the Plaza. When they connected these two parts together, it made the KOP mall the largest in the US.

    The KOP Acme was not expanded, thank heavens. They can’t keep up with the space they have now, let alone more space haha. Yeah, the self checkouts were taken out and the express lanes are almost never open.

    1. When they removed the self checkouts last November, I stopped shopping at the KOP location altogether. It's sad that a whole year has passed.

    2. I remember the original King if Prussia Acme, which was located in the southern portion of the King of Prussia Mall. It was demolished to extend the mall in that section in the late 80s ,about the same time as the Acme in the Exton Mall was also closed and relocated.
