Friday, November 3, 2017

Quality Built in Newtown!

Acme Newtown, PA
Location: 48 West Road, Newtown, PA  

Interior photos courtesy of Ian A.

Quality Built along with The Frosted Mug have officially arrived at the Newtown Acme! The store previously had the deluxe Chalkboard Market décor which has slowly been fazed over the last few years. Surprising that it took this long for one of Acme's top stores to get a full remodel.

Updated Lancaster Meats sign now being used for the remodels.

The current Newtown store has nevert been fully featured on the blog. I visited the store back in 2009 when I photographed the former Newtown Acme (photo below). Back in those days, taking pictures with a camera phone was more trouble than it was worth. Plus, Acme Style's mission at the time was to document former Acmes only. So I can't link you to previous coverage of this store, but I can send you over to coverage of the former store which continues to be one of the coolest locations ever covered on the blog! The store is long gone now but you can still have a tour by clicking here.


  1. Hardly any customers for one of ACME's top stores? Time of day play a factor? Do they have self-check registers?

    1. It was pretty busy when I stopped in and took the pictures. There would have been a lot more if it wasn't so crowded and if a manager didn't ask me to stop!

      If I have a large shopping list I'll usually head up to this Acme instead of the Levittown or Bensalem stores right up the road. The selection is a lot better and it's always a busy store when I'm there. Now plop a Whole Foods, Wegmans or huge Shoprite in the general area and that might change.

    2. It's a pretty busy store-- you can find a LOT more customers at the service departments. Remember that this store is around 70,000 sq. ft, so it's more than your regular Acme.

  2. I stopped by the new store once in 2012. It was actually remodeled to a cheap version of the PF&H décor sometime before then. It reused a lot of the old Chalkboard Market stuff, but the lettering had all been swapped out. I think it also had the drum lights over the checkout.

  3. Actually, in regard to that previous comment, it looks like I'm remembering wrong. The store had several PF&H elements remodeled into it over the years, but the chalkboard market was still intact.

    1. The Pharmacy was remodeled with the first version of PF&H including the rounded awning.

  4. If I remember correctly, isn't this store a twin of the former Quakertown location?

    1. Nope. Quakertown is older with slightly different exterior elements. The interior had the 90's Red/WhiteBlue décor to the end. Newtown opened with the Chalkboard Market décor.

    2. Ah, okay. I remember you saying in an earlier post that this was a twin (size-wise) of the Quakertown store. I was in this store back in July-- it's a lot bigger than it looks! I haven't been in a 90's-style Acme for awhile now.
