Monday, October 30, 2017

Welcome to...



Made the huge mistake of stopping in the Weehawken Acme for a two items. Before I got in the ridiculously long line at the express registers, I walked along the front-end to see if there were any other options. Shocked to see just ONE register open for all the non-express shoppers. I even double checked to make sure one was open but had the light off. Nope. All closed. As you can see above, the shoppers in line at the lone open register were looking toward Customer Service with a "what the hell" look on their faces.

The manager on duty was walking around, clearly saw the lines and did nothing about it. I wasn't surprised. I've seen managers here standing around completely unfazed by absurdly long lines. The two express cashiers kept looking back  to see how long their line was. They were nearly as frustrated as the customers. When I finally made it up to one of the cashiers, I asked "why are there never any registers open here?" She put her hands up in the air and shook her head while saying "The company... the company..." I took that all to mean they don't get enough labor hours for cashiers. But they certainly seem to get enough labor hours for the store as I always see plenty of employees walking around this place doing absolutely nothing.

Back in the early to mid 2000's, Pathmark used to run this place with nearly every register open on a Saturday. There would be lines of customers at every single one. Of course Pathmark ran into it's own problems which chased most of those customers away but it baffles my mind that Acme is doing nothing to win any of those people back. In fact, they're offering even worse customer service than Pathmark ever did! If the self-checkouts were still here, Acme could have just one additional employee on the clock and have SEVEN registers up and running for shoppers. But I suppose that would make too much sense.


  1. You should have complained to the manager. He could gave at the verry least, called up some baggers, or perhaps some crossed trained day stickers or department managers and put them in a till.

    1. The manager saw the situation and walked away. Wasn't about to go chase him down. They can't use baggers at this store. All registers have the carousel of bags for the cashiers to bag each item right after scanning.

    2. a
      Actually the cashiers can turn the carousel portion off, so that baggers can be used. It us inexcusable that the Manager should treat his customers in such a shabby way. Sounds like he is more fitted to be Night Crew Captain, then a Manager.

    3. The registers here are NOT Acme's. They're Pathmark's old ones. The bags are mounted to the carousels. Once one bag is full, the cashier rotates to the customer and to get to the next empty bag. There is no where for the cashier to place groceries other than directly into the bags.

  2. Not a good sign! Cashiers are probably on a higher [ay scale so ACME uses less of them. Yet doesn't put back self checks?

    1. No, cashies are clerks and are in the same progressive Pay scale as all other clerks. Unionized Department Managers earn much more ,as do meAt cutters. yes

    2. no, All clerks earn the same progressive pay scale. Unionized Department Managers depending on the size of the Department earn much more.Skilled Meat Cutters , depending if they are apprentices, journey man,first Cutter, or Meat Manager earn much higher hourly rates too.

  3. Ha, no doubt this manager should have went away when A&P left. That is Acme's BIG PROBLEM. Call Malvern at their toll free number or contact the district manager in that region and make them aware of the problem.

  4. Didn't you already do a post on this, or was that the one in Jersey City?

    1. I've done this for a few stores. This is the first time for Weehawken.

    2. Ah, ok. I think Acme needs more people on the registers too. The one in Doylestown sometimes has a problem like this.

  5. You will not believe what I am about to tell you. At the Tempe, AZ Safeway, which always has terrible lines, an employee made the following announcement on Sunday: "All 3's a crowd backup cashiers to the front." I kid you not.

  6. Here's a couple recommendations, I don't know if you've tried any of these stores around:
    Food Bazaar at Broadway and 57th/58th
    La Placita at Hudson and 48th
    City Fresh Market at Bergenline and 32nd

    They're all good stores and I don't think they tend to have long lines. They're all smaller, though.

    1. Thanks but I actually do most of my grocery shopping in Edgewater. Love having the Acme, Target, Trader Joes, Whole Foods all within a minute of each other. Plus, the Edgewater Acme always has plenty of registers open!

    2. Oh, OK. I went to the Edgewater Acme soon after it opened and it was a great store!
