Thursday, October 26, 2017

News Break: 

This location was initially on Acme's list of acquired stores. For reasons not quite confirmed, Acme wound up passing on the store at the last minute. Could they not secure a lease guarantee? This was an issue at many locations Acme was interested in buying. Some of the stores had leases that would be expiring within the next few years and Acme wasn't able to lock in pricing for renewing the leases when the time came. Another factor could have been the store's need for costly upgrades. The building was among the oldest and most outdated of all the stores Acme was interested in acquiring.

Now news have come that Food Lion will be taking over the store. No word on how much work they will be doing prior to moving in. The landlord will be spending $4.5 to upgrade the shopping center. 

To check out the article on Newark Post Online, please click here


The Newark Superfresh appeared on the blog in March 2016
thanks to Will aka B-More Retail on flickr

Location: 407 New London Road, Newark, Delaware

Thanks to Gary for the news on the future of the former Newark Superfresh/almost Acme Market!


  1. Seems like a good choice, being an older (and smaller) location and Food Lion generally having smaller stores than many chains do...

  2. The store looks pretty dated, I can see why ACME passed it on. It probably wouldn't have been worth it to upgrade it.

  3. I can agree with Pseudo3D. I can see why Acme didn't choose this location. It's extremely outdated, and on top of that, the decor is not Acme-stickerable. Plus, the awning would be hard to make a sign for... they'd have to either cover up the awning, and add an electric sign, or take down the awning, and still add a sign. Plus, in Newark, there are already three (yes three) Acmes, with one being acquired from A&P already.

  4. Acme wanted this location, but the landlord wanted to double the rent at the time. The store is a neighborhood store in an nice area , with cheap rent you could make money with it But with the high rent and that they already have three Newark stores, Olgeltown, College Square, and Elkton Road they decided not to. Food Lion who is not union and will cut Full time hours down to thirty in a heart beat,can make a profit on a unit doing as little as 200,000 dollars a week.

  5. When I saw this initially, I thought they were expanding into Newark, New Jersey. I was very surprised!

    1. Same! For a minute I thought "Wait-- Food Lion... in New Jersey?"
