Friday, October 20, 2017

Former Grand Union – Lake Hiawatha, NJ

News Break:

Location: 435 North Beverwyck Road, Lake Hiawatha, NJ 

Exterior photos are courtesy of Google maps street view. Interior are courtesy of unknown at this time. I downloaded these a while back from a link that was sent in but I unfortunately deleted the email somewhere along the way. If these are your photos, please hit me up and I will credit them as you wish! A few more former Grand Unions will be rolled out in the coming weeks.

Super Foodtown has made minimal changes to the interior after Grand Union left the building. Their late 90's remodel is alive and well here. I've never been to this store so the photos below might not all be in the correct order. Unsure of what department is to the right just above. Bakery, Produce and Deli are just beyond the dramatic archway.

Unlike Grand Union's cookie-cutter 80's remodel, many elements of thethe late 90's décor packages varied from store to store.

I believe this area of the Produce Department is to the left of the Bakery but I'm not entirely sure.

The Pharmacy sign appears to have been updated since the GU days.

Frozen Food is in the last aisle just like we saw at the Waldwick Stop&Shop. Dairy is in the second to last aisle which was pretty standard for Grand Unions particularly after the 80's remodel. 

This store did not receive the ultra-deluxe/totally retro register lights that were common for this remodel. I unfortunately do not have a photo of them on the blog. 

For a look at a more deluxe Grand Union with the same décor package, jump over to the East Rutherford post and scroll down below the Acme pictures.








Acme/ Rite Aid - Lake Hiawatha, NJ

Now I remember why I had been holding on to the Grand Union photos for so long. I was planing on getting out this way to photograph the former Acme to include in this post. Completely forgot it was there. Got an email earlier today asking me if I knew about the Acme on Beverwyck Road and then it hit me... it's right across the street! Oh well. There isn't much to see here anyway. The Acme was relatively short lived. Opened in 1963 and was gone by 1979. Certainly done in by the much larger Grand Union. For additional information on this location, click on Josh's photo above to jump over to flickr. 

Just Acme in 1963.

Grand Union has opened by 1970.

And Acme is gone by 1979. You can see the awning for the bank's drive-up area sticking out of the left side of the building. 


  1. "Fresh and Friendly" seafood. Much better than surly seafood.

    But seriously...this looks like a cross between ABS's Industrial Circus and Safeway's decor right before Lifestyle.

    1. Is that sign definitely from Grand Union? Because Foodtown uses (or did in the past) the slogan "Fresh & Friendly Marketplace" on most of its marketing materials, and even on some stores:

      Is it possible that Grand Union also used that slogan, and Foodtown just kind of absorbed it when they went under?

    2. Foodtown did update a few of the signs so it’s probably theirs if you’ve seen it in other stores. I’m no terribly familiar with Foodtowns myself.

    3. That's been their slogan for at least 20 years now. Had to have been done by Foodtown's owner.

    4. Good question - we did have one store with this style in the area, but it wasn't that close so not one I'd go to often.

      Although, you do see fresh in several of the signs (on the fish sign itself, the tastyfresh in the baked items area for instance) so it's possible it could go either way.

      The full slogan ones (those "circles" on the walls several places) - might have been something that indicated Grand Union (a logo or similar) that they replaced/covered with those (like Acme with the A&P stores)?

  2. They didn't even take down the old aisle markers? Wow. They must've been desperate to get this place reopened after GU.

    When/why did Foodtown stop linking their discount card to the Greenpoints program?

    1. They didn't, completely. If you look at the current circular for the Amenia (NY) location there are items listed as deals when you redeem 300 Greenpoints.

      If I'm not mistaken, Foodtown is basically a franchised chain (similar to ShopRite) so each store (or group) is allowed to participate in programs like this or not as they choose.

  3. Yes it's a cooperative and from what I understand, the company doesn't have nearly the control over the owners that Wakefern has over its owners.

  4. Boy do I miss Grand Union. Their stores were always my favorite.

  5. It's actually a fairly nice stoe though. I just don't like the produce signage very much.

  6. Foodtown when they I need Twin County Grocers were a CoOp, like Wakefern. They became a buying group when they were forced to close Their warehouse. For several years they purchased product from the now defunct White Rose. I believe they now purchase product from Wakefern ,which acts as a wholesaler to chains like Kings and Gristedes. To be a Coop you must in a warehouse and all members share in yearly profits in the operation if said business. A buying group is a group of owners who share a banner such as Fine Fare,the old Thruftway group, Met Foods, who buy from a wholesaler and do not own the warehouse or share in the profits of the said Business.

    1. Foodtown is now part of Allegiance Retail Services, which holds themselves out as a co-op.

  7. Acme Style, you mention that it looks like the Pharmacy sign has been updated since GU. I believe that the pharmacy was only recently installed by Foodtown (but I could be wrong). I do know it's an independently-owned business that opened in 2012. In fact, if you look carefully at the pharmacy sign on the front, you can see it is actually the frame of an S&H Greenpoints logo: (my photo, 2017) (Patch photo from 2011)
