Sunday, October 1, 2017

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  1. Went to the ACME in Midland Park the other day, surprisingly good crowd for a weekday and it actually did have enough registers open. Still no sign of Quality Built,but the Fresh remodel is still looking good.

    1. That store is coming to the blog on Friday!

    2. Ayee, that's my go-to location. If you need any more specific info let me know, I gotchu

  2. Both acquired Pathmark stores in Delaware are now "Quality Built" as well as Avondale/London Grove, PA and (in-process) Middletown, DE

  3. I've been shopping at the 40th and Walnut Fresh Grocer since it's significantly cheaper than the mini-mart on my school's campus. They have a sign posted by the exit saying they have no intention of going down without a fight. They handed out a ton of promotions during move-in week, too. Despite that, it looks like they're barely holding themselves together. The store is a mess (although I have to admit that's probably mostly due to the awfully confusing layout) The back room doors have some notes taped to them about having to pay credit to several major vendors. From what I've seen, I bet they're going to be gone and replaced with ACME by this time next year.

  4. It should be a good fight between the Burns family and the University of Pennsylvania. Albertsons Companies is a bystander in this fight.

  5. Big news- BP is bringing Amoco back:

  6. The Acme Sav-on on Bristol Road, Bensalem has recently pulled down the lettering of the Albertsons Marketplace decor. Could the Quality Build decor be on the way along with the Frosted Mug?

    1. Possibly. It could also be that the store just has to clear space. My guess is that the store is being renovated, as the Bensalem store is one of the top stores in the county.

    2. I received a Tweet from Acme about it, and they confirmed it. Acme Bristol Road Bensalem is getting remodeled.

    3. It is definitely the Quality Build coming to the Bristol Road Bensalem Acme Sav-on. I have a few photos on my Flickr page:

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  9. The South Street Acme (former superfresh) has the Quality Build decor

  10. Acme is the most popular store in New Jersey according to Chowhound. (Wegmans holds the lead in Pennsylvania)

  11. I love ACME, but their reasoning is wrong. ACME doesn't even offer online shopping anymore. Oh well, atleast they got the title.

    1. They do have an online shopping service. They use Instacart.

    2. Oh wow, I was wrong, thank you. I guess I never see the advertising because my location doesn't have it.

    3. Yeah-- I shop at the Acme in Doylestown, and they haven't advertised this at all! I knew that Acme had to have some sort of delivery system, so I looked it up. A learning experience for both of us apparently!

  12. Anyone else fell that ShopRite's advertising has become rather stale and outdated? They've been using the same stock footage since the late 90s, their music is uninspired, and you'd think the voiceover lady (who used to appear on-camera) would've retired by now. Hell, none of their ads are in 16:9 format, let alone HD! An it's further compounded that, al least in the store I go to regularly, the in-store PA actually uses some of the 80s-90s jingles! And they sound like they got'em off of YouTube to boot! Clearly whoever's in charge of marketing at Wakefern needs a replacement, and fast.

    1. I agree. I saw a commercial a few weeks ago for a sale they had, and it reminded me of a 1980's A&P commercial! They should really get some new members at the marketing dept.!
