Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Shrewsbury Acme Gutted!

Location: 1080 Broad Street, Shrewsbury, NJ 
Opening Date: Sometime in the 70's 
Closing Date: April 2016

Passed through Shrewsbury last weekend and stopped by the old Acme to see if there's been any changes. Sure has! The interior has been completely gutted. The facade appears to have been set up for two stores taking the space (see exterior photo at the end of the post) but there was no indication that any businesses are lined up to move in.

These stickers next to the entrance are all that's left to indicate an Acme was ever here.

Completely cleared out! Including the second floor along the back.

Breakroom windows up on the former second floor.

The place looks huge all cleared out.

Through the years...

For full coverage of the former Shrewsbury Acme, please click here.


  1. Interesting, what's replacing it? Sounds like they already have the tenants lined up.

  2. Looks like it's going to be a HomeGoods according to the center's owner, NRDC.


  3. A new Shoprite is in the works for Shrewsbury. Will the competition affect the ACME? http://www.app.com/story/news/local/redevelopment/2017/02/06/shoprite-shrewsbury/97456770/
