Thursday, January 19, 2017

Reset at Edgewater Acme!

Location: 481 River Rd, Edgewater, NJ
Opened as an Acme on October 9, 2015

So the reset was completed here months ago but I never got a chance to circle back. Nothing too Earth shattering happened but there are a few interesting changes to see. Overall, the reset turned out nicely. The household and HABA department resets turned out to be a little disappointing but the rest of the store was a solid success. Interesting to see that Acme restored paper products along the wall of aisle 1. A signature location in Pathmark for decades. A&P moved them to the back of the store a few years ago during one of the many resets this store endured over the last 10 years.

This is a huge fail. All that bug and roach spray right next to the napkins? I don't like it. The sprays should go to the end of the aisle with hardware with lightbulbs relocated to this spot.

A big change from the Pathamark days... bread, and PB&J now along the back wall leading to the Bakery.

Brand-new black shelving in the health food department. The shelves were made higher bringing in better selection throughout the department. Pathmark's signage still remains hanging from the ceiling.

Acme definitely stepped up the selection for the dry goods but left the dairy case in this department with even less selection than Pathmark.

Cerial, coffee and tea in aisle 1. It's gonna take some time getting used to this.

Seasonal was moved from Pathmark's double wide aisle 17 over to aisles 11 and 12. Here we now have a half double-wide aisle.

Greeting cards moved from the household side of the store over to grocery. Had to make room for all of that bread over there!

They tricked me! When I first reported on the reset, I thought Pathmark's doube wide aisle was being removed as they were installing new shelving down the center. Turns out, Acme shifted the double-wide aisle over one aisle. Water runs along the right and chips along the left. Pathmark used their double-wide aisle for seasonal and a revolving selection of featured items and deals.

We saw this same double-wide aisle set-up at the newly remodeled Audubon store. Check it out here.

The next step Acme needs to take here is to replace the tile around the perimeter of the store. The flooring in the aisles is in good shape but the perimeter, especially around the entrance, is a mess. Would also love to see the faux hardwood flooring go into Produce. I'm surprised Acme hasn't done this yet since they have been doing it in other stores and all signs are that Edgewater is a top performing A&P/Pathmark conversion.

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