Monday, May 2, 2016

Status of Sea Isle City Acme...

Photo courtesy of Sea Isle City Guide

Location: 6212 Landis Ave, Sea Isle City, NJ

Acme is in a race against time to get the new Sea Isle City store open by Memorial Day Weekend. The Sea Isle City Guide reports that construction has been going on around the clock to make the deadline. Rapid progress is also underway to the interior. The registers were installed about two weeks ago. We can see in the photo above that the exterior is looking great! Way more personality here than the bland facade at the new Beach Haven store. Acme Style will bringing you a full tour of the new store once it opens. For additional details on the construction progress and photos of the new store, check out the Sea Isle City Guide by clicking here


  1. Very much an improvement over the Beach Haven store that left me feeling flat, inside and out. A perfectly nice store and everything shoppers in a resort town will ever need from a grocer but everything had a bland feeling about it, as if the store was either rushed or the design was assumed to be "good enough"... or both.

  2. I've got a couple pics from 2 weeks ago of the store and the new building perpendicular from it. Would you like me to send them?

  3. The store is opening on 5/26
