Wednesday, July 8, 2009

For those who aren't already aware, there is a possible strike by 4,500 union workers in southeastern Pennsylvania. Click here (then click "Continue") for an article at Progressive Grocer explaining the situation. The deadline for a new contract is July 10.

UPDATE 7.16.09: Strike adverted. New contract signed yesterday. Click here for more details.

In other news... I have been coming across information on the web and have received several emails that more Acme Markets are slated for closure. As far as I know, Acme has not made any official announcements at this time. I do not report store closings until the company makes the news official either to the press or to the employees of the location. I certainly hope more closures do not happen but if more stores do close, I want to get them photographed so they can be preserved on this site.

Acme Style News... I have been a little slow in getting new posts up on the site in recent weeks. This is only because the summer months are a busy time for me. I am also busy working on updating previous posts as readers email additional information. You will see that I have added an "Updates" category to the Directory. New information can be quickly spotted in a post by looking for UPDATE

This blog entry now has an update of it's very own.

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