Monday, April 25, 2016

Tukerton Acme Grand Reopening!

Just discovered on Acme's twitter feed that the Tuckerton Acme held its grand reopening last Friday. Can't find any pictures online of the interior but I suspect that Industrial Circus décor package remains intact. According to the graphic below, which Acme had on its website, upgrades occurred in several areas of the store including the Bakery, Deli and Pharmacy. Improvements were made to Customer Service and the bathrooms as well.  As you can see above, the Sav-on sign has been removed.

For additional coverage of the Tuckerton store, please click here.


  1. I'm wondering why they didn't bother to re-center the Acme logo after removing the Sav-On signage.

    1. If they just remove the Sav-On sign then the electrical contractor can usually do that. If they want to move the ACME sign then they'd have to get a sign contractor out as well since a lot of electricians don't want to mess with signs unless it's being demo'd out. Breaking the plastic letters or the electronics inside burning out are reasons for that.

      Plus then you might have to get the landlord involved and if the town has sign ordinances get them involved...

      Acme Style put it much more simply: $!
