Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A&P's New Style!

Well this was a surprise... A&P is once again rolling out all new packaging for its America's Choice brand. The current packaging is only a few years old now, having been introduced back in 2009. You can take a look at the product line as it has been for the past 4 years at Private Label Store Brands.

The new packaging, which has just begun to appear on store shelves, is a huge departure from all previous incarnations of the brand. The patriotic colors and elements have been ditched in favor of a bold colors and a more artistic, less corporate approach. My first impression wasn't good. Judging from what I saw online, the packaging seemed rather juvenile. That impression completely changed when I saw it on the shelves next to the national brands. A&P is clearly trying to evoke a small-company feel with this new packaging and I have to say... it works. After seeing it throughout the store, I'm officially a huge fan.

A&P has a video on their website announcing the new packaging. It features "real" customers sharing their opinions of the America's Choice brand. Each comment sounding more canned than the one before. The video is a complete FAIL. They should have just let the packaging do the talking.

Signage around the store announcing the new logo and packaging.
Seems as though only about a third of the product line has
been updated at this point. Cereals, pasta and cleaning
products still have the old look. I was able to get
some "before and after" pictures...

The round America's Choice logo was bit of a bust. The words
were shrunk down so much they could barely be seen on
some packaging. Previous versions of the logo can be
seen here and here. (Pictures are not easy to find!)

The new packaging shows less food but in a much
fresher and delectable state. 

Big difference here with the toilet paper. Gone is the big, bold, generic look in favor of a cuddly, soft and lovable feel. 

No old paper towel packaging left to be found. 

The new red banner has a much bigger impact
than the former logo.

The one package design I will be sad to see go is for the seltzer bottles. This was a knock-out of a design from day one. I've always loved the retro look and colors. I was glad to see the new packaging hadn't made it to to soda aisle yet. This package design will now live on at Acme Style!


  1. It's amazing how much the new packaging improves the look
    It's night and day . One can read it quickly now both ways...as words and as a red shape ...as you pointed out the older one shrunk the words and the shape wasn't distinctive either

    Congrats AP!

  2. I have to say that the new America's Choice logo is as low-end as you can go. It reminds me of some of the strange off-brands that you find at Save-A-Lot and salvage stores. It's a shame. The A&P brand is its "hey-dey" had some class and quality behind it. (I still remember them switching over to 'America's Choice' in the 90s thinking 'oh no'.) I feel the same way about 'Everyday Essentials'. I rarely go out of my way for Acme. I used to. Ever since they dropped the Acme label I stopped finding reasons to continue shopping there. (I still feel that Everyday Essentials sounds like a maxi-pad.) Granted the last Acme brand was nothing compared to the old days of Ideal and Bala Club. But at least having a product that said 'Acme' on it gave the place a glimmer of identity. Such a shame that we've become so homogenous. Places like A&P, Waldbaum's, and Acme had a purpose and an identity. (Store brands played a HUGE role in customer loyalty, especially in the 60s and 70s.) America's Choice and Everyday Essentials give me one less (big) reason to shop with my wallet and not through former loyalty patterns.

    Michael Lisicky

    1. It makes sense to have one overarching brand when you own a multitude of differently named stores.

    2. I agree! Acme needs to bring back the Ideal brand and either the oval or tear drop shaped logo too!

      -- Rebecca

  3. The Commercial is HORRIBLE! ''The Better Shopping'' commercials are SO MUCH BETTER! Why did A&P have to ruin its commercials with a cheap voice over? Lowest quality present day supermarket commercial EVER!
