Wednesday, March 23, 2011

News Break:

Brand New Acme Coming Soon!

Rumors of this one have been floating around for years now and it's finally official! The Bryn Mawr Acme, as seen in the movie "The Sixth Sense", will be completely leveled with a brand new store built on the site. The new building will extend over to the neighboring property where the closed Jaguar dealership currently stands. The Bryn Mawr store has been fully photographed and was already scheduled to go up on the blog next month. The store currently has the higher-end version Industrial Circus decor (not yet seen on the blog) and is also one of the smallest in the chain. This will mark Acme first new store in nearly 3 years!

You can read all about the deatils over at Click here for the article.


  1. I wonder if they'll take the cases from a closed store like limerick.

  2. Interesting quote from a PR rep - “We’re just not there right now. We’re focused on rescuing this company.”

  3. It will be funny if the cases come from limerick considering the cases there came from another crash and burn- freehold which was open for a year. Even the power jacks came from there and had freeholds store number written on them.

  4. Now for the big question... will this new store be a crash and burn?

  5. Because of the limited size of the lot I would think that the store will not be that large which would limit it to 3ft shelving as opposed to the 4ft shelving in Limerick.At present I believe that they are trying to sell the closed locations intact.

  6. I don!t think that any thing but new cases will go into this store. However Acme has many stores on a refresh list. I imagine that is where some of the equiptment will wind up.

  7. I personally think and hope that the new Bryn Mawr store will be a success. As for the old Acme in Limerick, they are supposed to start building a Walmart Supercenter up the road on township line catty-corner to the Genuardis. If and when they build that it would be dumb for any chain to try and compete at that location. Shop-Rite would probably do alright but with 2 high volume Giants and a Walmart Supercenter I really don't think they would see it as a good investment. They would be much better off taking over the old Collegeville Acme or the old Trappe Clemens/Superfresh which are both currently vacant and not facing as much direct competition.

  8. ShopRite already wants the Collegeville Acme but Acme won't hand over the lease. They're protecting Redner's down the street which is another SuperValu supplied chain.

    Narbeth won't crash and burn. The store is already a huge success and the new store is going in the same exact location.

  9. Building a brand new store!? Wow...I'm excited to see what it will look like. This is going to be interesting.

  10. I really do wonder if it will have a pharmacy or not. The store is on the same block as an Eckerd/Rite Aid, but also another small grocery store, "FoodSource", which is very gourmet. And the nearby Staples was an A&P many years ago for that matter.

  11. Does anyone know if FoodSource is still owned by Giant? Foodsource was part of Clemens Family Markets..which bit the dust in 2006. The majority of the stores were sold to Giant. Giant (supposedly) took ownership of that as well. (There was another Foodsource in DE but that is now closed).

  12. I actually once saw this FoodSource on the Giant store locator, listed as a Giant. Took me a while to make the connection. Not like they lowered their prices on anything! Yes, the Delaware FoodSource is another low volume gourmet grocery now, can't remember the name. Not to mention the FoodSource in nearby Glen Mills (PA), which started as a Zagara's, part of Genuardi's. Both Zagara's and FoodSource crashed and burned here. Now "The Fresh Market" (Old South chain) is there. C&S Wholesalers also has been listed as the owner of the last FoodSource.

    And I really wonder if Acme will demolish and rebuild in Sharon Hill too. That store is in a poorer area for Acme to have stayed in so long, but must be profitable. Besides, it has very limited competition. Acme, Giant, Pathmark, and ShopRite all have several stores in that neck of the woods, but all are a bit distant. The closest competition is several Save-A-Lots, most of which were Acme, A&P, Food Fair, Penn Fruit, or Thriftway years ago. I would miss the current Acme, since I grew up with it, and it still looks decent inside. The center overall is in really bad shape though, even though Acme has been there longer than the rest. Rite Aid was there for a short time, but moved out 10 years ago. And there are surprisingly no PA liquor stores within a mile, so Acme could have a pharmacy and Wine & Spirits.

  13. Joe mcCloskey,Ardmore,PAAugust 7, 2011 at 1:53 AM

    Thank God that they demolished the Acme in Bryn Mawr!That was a dump! I have friends that live in Riverton,NJ and when i go to see them, we would go to the Acme in Cinnaminson,Nj on Rte 130 and that was a nice one. When they announced it was closing, I couldn't believe it. They close a really nice Acme in Ciinaminson,NJ but leave the dump of of an Acme in Bryn Mawr open which is on the Main Line! When I heard & seen they demolised that dump in Bryn Mawr, I was so happy! Hopefully the new one will be as nice as the one was in Cinnaminson,NJ.Can't wait for grand opening!
