Monday, February 28, 2011

Store Count...

The following Acmes have closed...


  1. they changed district store locations around on top of it all just recently. i think i got a funny feeling why. i hope it isn't why i think so. i remember that page the day they broke the news to us, "all available associates to the break room." i thought i was going to keel over i felt like it was all a bad dream. no one knows what it is like going through a store closing until they been through it.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. what does that mean? i highly doubt today they would close 117 locations. they can't just do that anyway, they have to go through a process and if they didn't it would be called a "breach of contract" if they are union, and that's a legally binding document. they have the power to close more locations, but they must give proper notice and follow procedure. but i'm interested to know what this means still.

  4. seriously...coming from a person like me especially, why do i have to come on here and read depressing comments. i know not everybody leaves them, and this is not against the blog owner, by no means (i appreciate this site a LOT!), not his fault. but if people are going to post remarks to make people panic who already are on edge and have a lot to lose STOP?! and if it is indeed doomsday for all acmes, why can't you provide information to back it up? i hate comments like that. it is what it is, like the owner said this blog is to preserve the history of acme, and he has done a very professional and excellent job and doesn't have to spend time doing it, but goes out of his way to do it anyway. whatever lies in store for acme will happen, no one has control over it. people who are worrying about their jobs is understandable, but you will have to deal with it just like the rest of the millions of americans with no job. you will get through it if you stop focusing on the loss of a corporately owned company, and focus on what YOU need to do to make sure you are not on the street. just my opinion.

  5. Not going to happen... just the ranting of one of the doom and gloom people frequenting this site lately. Seriously... enough is enough. Take it elsewhere.

  6. The post has been removed. Some people just get off causing panic and stress to others.

  7. that post really hurt me, and hopefully not too many acme employees got the chance to read it. thank god it's gone. i am one of the hundreds right now struggling through this whatever situation is going on. people need to be more respectful of others feelings. some of these people may not even work for acme, i STILL do. i don't want to hear it's "_____ FOR ALL ACMES..." GEEZ. it's bad enough on store levels, we don't want to hear it on a site meant to preserve what many have cherished.

  8. What did they say?

  9. thank you for removing that post. while i do not regret my decision to leave the company for a better opportunity last year, i have many friends who still work for the company and in the nine years i was with acme, met many people. I still shop at acme from time to time (depends on when I need to shop and where I am) I have heard over the past few days of many lay offs and some people I knew, and it saddens me. thank you acme style for the great site preserving a great american institution.

  10. does anyone know what this "big meeting" in minnesota or michigan or wherever it begins with an "m" so don't quote me on that --- was about? it was just recent.

  11. i can hardly even get in contact with my friends who worked at acme anymore. they sleep all day ever since they lost their jobs. is it depression? i can't figure it out.

  12. I shop at the Concord Town Centre Acme. Many, not all, of the cashiers act as if they are bored with their jobs. Especially the young ones just go through the motions, almost ignoring the customers. No reall smiles or warmth. This is surprising with the number of markets in the area. I also shop at Giant, & Whole Foods. Totally different experience with cashiers. What is Acme going to do when the Wegman's opens? I go to their store in Downingtown & their cashiers are attentive & glad to see customers.
