Thursday, February 17, 2011

Cinnaminson: The Final Days

The beloved Cinnaminson Acme now emptied of merchandise. The store is scheduled to close for good on Saturday February 26. The closing still remains a bit of a mystery as business here was better than other Acmes which will remain open. The original post of this store is one of the most popular posts ever at Acme Style, generating quite an emotional response. Judging from the comments left here and all over the internet, this store had a fiercely loyal following and was staffed by hard working, dedicated employees. Unfortunately there seems to be other forces at work that go far beyond the competition of ShopRite.... or even Acme itself. The next few months may offer some answers as to the grand plans for this location. For now, we can take another look at the extraordinary interior of the Cinnaminson Acme and wish all of it's employees the very best...

Update 3.4.11: Some additional pictures have come in this week...

Exterior signage now removed.

You can see a "Savon" labelscar here on the right side. The Acme logo being in two different spots over the years.

Skylights in one of the backrooms.

Update 5.14.11:  These pictures just in... the Cinnaminson Acme yet to be cleared out...


  1. i remember when i re-located to this store...i was so happy. it was busy (not overly busy) but busier, had a lot of nice employees...and i sort of had a funny feeling something was up in the store when they started taking things away that places like shoprite offered, like the cafe being shut down, salad bar cut back, hot food bar taken out, soup bar taken out, shrimp bar taken out, massive hour cuts, more and more management meetings...i even seen a "store closing procedures manual" in the office one morning when i had went to ask a question...i guess someone had forgot to put it away. we all sort of knew but i think did NOT want to think the worst or accept it, but man it hits you when it happens. we still did excellent business during the holidays and i know superbowl we would have been busy too, and valentines...but like one of my favorite songs "all that glitters in this world is sure to fade away...someday" i just hope no more stores close...i heard lenola picked up some business, and maple shade hardly costs much to operate since it's basically a "staple" store and small...but some other oners i don't know. whoever keeps saying more are closing i don't know where they get that information from or how it's a bit aggravating i wish they would at least say where they are getting it from. speculation is not truth in all circumstances.

  2. Acme 1161, Cinnaminson, NJ forever! Wait, I'm 12 years too late...

    G-18, cashier, CSR and a whole bunch of other jobs

  3. Cinnaminson to me is one of the most unique Acmes.

  4. i think it's jacked up how they went about closing this store. acted like they where trying to improve things then drop a bomb on associates one day like they cared less it was closing...and expecting after the meeting to go back to work quote on quote "like business as usual" i hope the mice infestation problem gets worse, i won't be eating at that new chinese whatever bar it is, since they stirred up all the mice in the store moving shit around. hope the board of health monitors that new resteraunt closely.

  5. is this like a bad dream? i went to that stupid cinnaminson shoprite, they JACKED their prices up now that acme is virtually might as well say gone. 4.99/lb for a fucking PEPPER. i even seen acme customers in there they all looked pissed off. SUPERVALU, GO STICK YOUR HEAD IN A TORNADO AND BRAINSTORM.

  6. my family no longer shops acme because of what the corporation (supervalu) did to me...and by their own choice, i never told them not to. they just see me suffer every day and depressed. i tell them feel free to shop where they want, but they just have an anger now all because of something that was decided against my cinnaminson acme. miss you dearly, wish WE could have saved you.

  7. Cinnaminson has just closed it's doors at 1 pm for good, what a sad day.....

  8. omg...i didn't think it'd make it till terrible.

  9. this store has so much potential, i can't see why supervalu would run it into the ground unless that bottom dollar opening across the street was just the final nail in the coffin. i am curious as to where the next round of closing stores will be sent to. all i know is the districts have changed, so it could be the same s--- for the next round of closures whenever that happens! if so many people quit or took a buyout (less than a dozen out of 40-52 sent to newtown alone showed up) why can't they compete better? afterall, is this not what the intention was? i am sick of paying union dues and getting not any answers!

  10. i'm starting to wonder if those energy saver blinds or curtains or whatever you want to call them are really for that purpose soley. if not every acme got them installed i would especially wonder. curious as to how those businesses remaining in the foyer and outside will make out now. the pizza shop was awesome they treated us so well, always brought over a pizza for us at the end of the night when they closed, of course management started complaining because god forbid we ate a slice of pizza. people wonder why hardly anyone is happy anymore, they take the little things away from human beings that really are so petty in the end.

  11. I hope the the Great people of Cinnaminson continue to support the few stores left in this shopping center,Especially Brothers Pizza,they have been such a great neighbor to the Employees of the Acme over the years.

  12. i worked at cinnaminson acme, and i want to stop by and give a card thanking the people at brothers when i feel ready...they where so kind to us, and i'm sure it has affected even them. i know for a fact they where sad to see this happen. they knew most of us acme cinnaminson employees like family too. i just have to wait until i'm ready though, i don't know if i could emotionally cope ever stepping foot in that foyer again, knowing i'm not going to work :( i loved working at this store. i do hope that it won't affect their business is not their fault by any means. i still wake up in the mornings thinking "oh my god, i have work soon." than realize i don't. it honestly is nice to be able to back to bed on those mornings i can manage to, but some mornings i just lay in bed staring at the why am i laying here looking at the ceiling? jobs are hard to come by anymore, and i guess like the blog administrator said, yes very loyal staff. i can say i was one of them. i would come in anytime asked, stay, do whatever. it is another unfortunate ending in the chapter of history of acme.

  13. till this day i have no idea why acme jumped the gun and closed this store. i loved it from day one when it first opened. it was busy in the afternoons and early afternoons mostly! just slow at night but most grocery stores including acme are! the last time i did my shopping trip there was two days before christmas, they had every register open and lines through aisles. these corporate people made a huge mistake. i can't get to any other acmes near me except one or two and i do not like those stores at all. one makes me feel weird and not happy since i know where nothing is and worsely understaffed and flooded with bright lights on top if it and my vision is bad. that cinnaminson acme was the store my whole family shopped at, we got our cat food, meats, everything. we never liked shoprite, the employees never acknowledged us the few times we attempted shopping the cinnaminson shoprite. the cashiers especially all rude. the one girl was on her cell phone chatting while ringing me up, hello? i am a customer. what if i have a question? came to find out she rang a steak up 9 times, and i only had 1! i got my refund and complained and never went back there. i rarely had a problem with the acme! and if i did they would sincerely apologize and i was even offered a free tv dinner or anything i wanted, but i refused...the sincerity was enough for me as i could tell they felt bad. i noticed the last few months though less happier faces...i think maybe people where distraught they knew something was happening and the rumors where not just at acme, my family would say, oh i hope they never get rid of that store. the last few years i did notice a downwards trend, but i let go any bad experiences since i seen the stress on their faces, i work in retail as well probably making less. they got to be kidding with reccomending cinnaminson acme shoppers to go to that little maple shade store, they are really just that. little as nothing to offer. it is just staples virtually. i want a wider selection. lenola road is better but it is a crazy intersection and small parking lot. i tried the willingboro acme even though it is out of my way and it feels like a dungeon and no help of any sort. i just go to small markets in the area and make sure my tub is full of ice in my trunk. it breaks my heart i was a loyal acme customer, and if i can't have my cinnaminson acme and employees i won't support it after trying other locations.

  14. OK. living in cinnaminson for 15 years i never thought i would see this day. i refuse even now to shop at shoprite, they are greedy rich _ _ _ _ can't say the word. i hope everyone enjoys the mega shoprite, can not find a parking spot, and circle at shoprite, because it is just so wonderful there, NOT. they sell beer. big deal. they sell fake chinese food, appetizing. also hope everyone enjoys the walmarts rotten not even refridgerated produce. everyone bitched about acme when it was open, and now it's closed. now let us see what we have left to choose from. shame on supervalu is it? for not doing more. i know the employees did more than those people ever did. i knew almost every employee. the bakery was my favorite. some new kid douig or something said he came from another store and i needed a cake and he stopped and did it for me i apologize to wherever or whatever they did with him, and the gina lady was a trip, she made me laugh so hard. i also loved that customer service person she was dark skinned, black lady i believe bertha or bert? they always made my shopping experience fun also loved the girl in seafood and the one in produce...they where always there!

  15. i just happened to wake up and i for some reason browsed the site, to whoever above, you may have been refferring to me at some point, my name's actually doug, but i appreciate the compliment if that was intended for me. i highly presume so because i worked with the people you mentioned. and as far as i am, i am hanging in there, not currently working because of personal reasons but i appreciate the compliments you gave our family! =) some of the people you mentioned are still at acme, just not the location you liked. support acme and shop at a store near you if there is one. you will see some of our faces again, including mine. i have faith. if you where talking about the front-end manager, she has retired months ago. post is sort of vague, but not vague enough for me to know what you are talking about. we do miss our store as much as you miss it, and thank you for the compliments on the employees and service.

  16. i still can not believe they closed this location, they wasted no time clearing it out that's for sure. i shop at shoprite now. no locations near me. i preferred the acme.

  17. supervalu does not know what they are doing is the deads honest truth. no employees of acme are to be at blame. they are not managing acme correctly. they need a warehouse in philadelphia so it is closer to the remaining stores. not out in east bumble-f***!

  18. i'm still pissed they closed this store down. it just needed to compete with the competition. it seems like supervalu never even attempted to even get a liquor license in the store. the cafe was a total joke, in the end it was turned into the melon bar prep area. yeah, let's deli wrap our cut up fruit and deep fry our vegetables! i knew it was coming to an end...i miss my loyal customers and the tears they have even shed. i'd cry with them. the truth is maybe some people like shoprite...but the customer service at acme was better. i ALWAYS made sure to help people who needed it. at shoprite i am totally ignored...and it urks me more now that acme tells employees to give out all these coupons like 15% off their total purchase, etc etc. now you want to try something new? after shunning down six locations? god cut me a break!

  19. i still am baffled they would close all the nice stores before the ones that (no offense) need to if not severely remodeled or the other word. if they had staffed this store heavier, just held on a little longer (customers where noticing prices lower on some items slowly but surely) it may have came back to life, of course never completely to the point of business it used to do, but maybe enough to get by. i don't get the logic. until shoprite opened this store did on a GOOD week about 800,000. close to newtowns 1 million. every register opened, i believe bakery would get 300+ hours, at the end it was 120 average. the salad bar did pretty well even when they cut it down a little. i think i'm getting sick thinking about it. i will always remember the better days, but i wish they never left.

  20. I worked for acme for 35 years and now I am unemployed. I was making over $35 an hour but now I have to settle for $9.75 at a competitor. Sure, Acme had higher prices but what about the people who worked there?

  21. Speaking of Acme Cinnaminson closing at 1pm back on February 23rd, that day I decided to go to Acme one last time think I had till the 26th but I had to go out of town on the 24th for 5 days so I hopped in my car and drove over arrived around 1:30pm. I went in and the door was locked. I thought "what"? I seen a gentleman walking inside and knocked and he came over and opened the door and told me it was closed for good since everything was almost gone. I explained how I wanted to make once last visit since I was going out of town. He said "I'm not suppose to do this but come in and take one last walk around but make quick say 20 minutes?" Well I went in did one last walked quickly, I thanked him and after he locked the door behind me, I felt very sad. I started tearing up. I was hungry and in Brother's Pizza, ordered 2 slices of pepperoni and a coke, paid took my stuff and sat in the booth. I just started crying! It really broke my heart to see that Acme close and not even make till its last official day. The woman behind the counter at Brother's came over and asked if I was ok and told yes and why I was crying and she comforted me which was very nice. We talked for awhile and she said she was sad for all the employees and loyal customers. I ate my food and just went home and packed for my trip, feeling really bad. I really miss Acme Cinnaminson. :(
