Thursday, March 8, 2018

Thanks Acme!

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to download the coupon. 


  1. That's awesome! A&P would have done this as well. Their stores were the first to open after the hurricanes, which was nice. You could never see Ahold-owned stores doing this, because it's practically all corporate big-wigs in the Netherlands who wouldn't give out a cent.

  2. Meh . . . small beer considering Acme overinflated prices.

  3. Great idea, nothing slower in the world, then a supermarket the day after a storm and all that prestorm panic buying.

    1. Gerald, I would have to disagree. I bought some fresh products before the storm at Giant, and I'm almost out, as I didn't do my weekly shopping yet. Plus, this coupon is valid until Sunday, so it makes sense. Saturday shoppers can use it too, then.

    2. Well all I have to base my opinion on is 50 years of experience in the Supermarket Operations to base my opinion. Thats one hell of a lot of day afters thst I haved lived through. Thats a car load of folks that I asked to go home the dsy after. So, uf the dsy after a storm is such a boom day, do you suppose that Acme created such a coupon?

  4. Wow, a whole 5%!.... still makes them like 45% more than Wegmans/Walmart/Shoprite/etc. on some items.

    1. Walmart's prices are that low cause they steel our taxes and have their employees drain government programs in lieu of a living wage.

    2. Well, Walmart is increasing everyone's wages to $11 in the next few years (and $12 at Target). Giant and Wegmans are around the same. I was in an Acme around 6 months ago and they were looking for cashiers...and were offering a laughable $8.25 to start (what the sign indicated anyhow). Acme pays its long-term workers well which is great (maybe to great), but not so great for their prices. A single lemon was $1.50 at my local Acme...same thing at Giant? 75 cents.

    3. Too little too late. As of 2014 Walmart employess had cost U.S. taxpayers $6.2 billion in public assistance. Their low-prices are a total scam.

    4. ACTUALLY,5 percent is a huge percentage, when you make an extremly small margin in the grocery department. By the way Walmart only raised the stsrting rate for new employees, not for the folks currently working for them, they alsi reduced benefits,and reduced Co Managers, and department manager positions as well as hours worjed by hourly employees. Walmart also sells meat and produce, Seafood then Acme.
