Monday, October 24, 2016

Store Count...

AS OF OCTOBER 24, 2016

This is the same number of stores that was reported on the blog back in February. Unfortunately, the count at that time was off by 3. Since then, Acme has opened 3 additional stores which include Boonton, Patterson and Salisbury. The current store count has been verified by the complete store list now available on Acme Style. This list was complied with information found at

Update 10.25.16: Turns out the store count on the blog has been correct the whole time! I was thrown off by the fact that I hadn't tagged a recent store count update so the post wasn't showing up when I was researching the count changes over the past year. Here's how the counts have changed since the very last conversions opened...

November 20, 2015: 178 stores with the opening of the last 3 converted A&P stores.

February 5, 2016: 179 stores with the opening of Barnegat.

April 29, 2016: 176 stores with Bridgeton, Shrewsbury and Oxford closing.

October 24, 2016: 179 stores with Boonton, Patterson and Salisbury opening.

Thanks to D Groton for leaving the comment below which had me review at the store counts over the past year.


  1. Didn't Acme close three stores after your initial post of 179?

    1. Yes and those closings were reported on the blog. I updated the store count after the closing but, turns out, I didn't tag the post which had me lose track of it. Now it looks like my store count was correct the whole time!

      2.5.16: 179 stores with Barnegat opening.

      4.29.16: 176 stores with Bridgeton, Shrewsbury and Oxford closing.

      10.24.16: 179 stores with Boonton, Patterson and Salisbury opening.
