Monday, October 3, 2016

St. Michaels Remodel Disaster!

Location: 114 S Talbot St, St Michaels, MD

Photo courtesy of Will aka B-More Retail on flickr

Last Fall, Acme announced a list of stores that were scheduled for remodeling. Included on the list were two classic stores... St. Michaels and Clayton. Not sure whatever happened with the Clayton store but today we're getting a look at St. Michaels. For some absurd reason, Acme chose the "paint and plastic" Premium Fresh & Healthy version 3.0 for this remodel. The absolute last store in the entire chain deserving of such a cold and generic décor package. The store would have been better off keeping its previous package, the locally flavored Neighborhood Market scheme. At least they did leave the cursive logo along the back although it doesn't quite fit with the rest of the new look. Will reports that new cases have been put in and judging from this picture new flooring may have been put in as well. It's really unfortunately that they didn't put Quality Built in here. Would have been a perfect fit for this tiny, classic Acme Market. 


  1. I'll be in the area in late October. Expect some Clayton NJ images.

    1. Thanks! I'm guessing Clayton got the same package although I think it will work better there than it does here.

    2. Clayton would benefit from the airy feeling the opaque panels would lend it.
