Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Superfresh – Newark, Delaware

Photo courtesy of Will aka B-More Retail on flickr

Location: 407 New London Road, Newark, Delaware

An ancient SuperFresh/formmer A&P in Newark, Delaware, that Acme had bid on. The bid was withdrawn for reasons unknown. It has been speculated that the store may have been near the end of its lease and Acme could not secure a guarantee that it would be renewed. As you'll see, the store hasn't been updated since its last remodel in the 80's. 

The décor here is similar to what we saw at the Maplewood A&P.  

It is possible Acme withdrew its bid when they realized how much work was needed to get upgrade the store. 

The original Super*Fresh logo remained about the front-end until the bitter end. 


You can see and expansion made to the left side of the origianl A&P. 

I was a huge fan of these green awnings when they were rolled out in the 80's. A&P's were branded with "SAV-A-CENTER" in big white letters. They actually won me over as a shopper with their nicely remodeled stores. Many of A&P's 80's remodels turned out nicer than Acme's.




First siting was in 1968 but this is the first clear view that was available. 

Thanks to Will for the photos of this classic SuperFresh! 


  1. It's a great location. Close to university dorms and the closest option for Pennsylvania shoppers.

    The problem is that the store is just too small. It's really cramped and hard to navigate. There is barely any back room space, hence the drop trailer. But it is not covered and is exposed to the elements.

    The interior hasn't been updated in quite some time. Acme would have had to gut the store and start from scratch if they had taken over the store.

  2. I remember the old Delawanna (Clifton) store had one of these awnings. I had originally thought that A&P only did this to Stop & Shop purchases because Bloomfield had one too, but I guess it wasn't the case.

    I remember that old Delawanna store well. Not the biggest A&P but better than the old Passaic store which was closest to me. Even got the A&P Food Market treatment after they rolled that concept out in the mid 1990s- in fact, I wanna say that it was the only other store in the area besides Garfield which got it right away (others it took awhile to roll out to).

    That store closed circa 1999 and for the life of me I don't know why, because there's a few reasons. One is the rent was probably getting high, two is the store might've been losing business and that the under-construction Clifton Commons would kill it once their grocery store opened, and three is that there was a lot of shoplifting going on at both that and the Bradlees next door.

    1. The A&P in Denville had one of these awnings too. I thought it looked sooooo cool the first time I saw it.
