Friday, March 18, 2016

Programming Note:

Apologies for no posts for over a week now. Too many projects going on at my day job to squeeze in any time for the blog. Posting will resume on Tuesday.


  1. I couldn't possibly manage a post a week. I barely manage to post two photosets a week to my flickr account! Your dedication to this blog is appreciated :)

    1. Now that I have a real job (interestingly, having tangentially something to do with Acme), I can't manage new online content like I used to do. It's okay.

  2. I've really been enjoying this blog. I hope you got those vintage photos I sent of the old Browns Mills Acme when it was open. I grew up in the area and your writeup brought back a lot of memories.

    1. I did, thanks! Hopefully getting caught up on a mountain of emails today.

  3. Don't worry about it. In a perfect world, everyone on this blog would live their whole lives revolving around Acme. But alas! Life happens.
