Friday, October 30, 2015

Store Count...

The following Acme locations have opened:

A&P Food Market at 152 Route 94, Blairstown, NJ
A&P Fresh at 530 Route 515, Vernon, NJ
A&P Fresh at 255 Route 23 North, Sussex, NJ
A&P Fresh at 13 North Avenue, Pleasant Valley, NY


  1. Not sure if they changed their posts, but it looks like they list these 4 stores as opening tomorrow (10/31)?

    1. That store opening list they started on their blog is the most unreliable source for their store openings. These 4 stores were listed on the Twitter account today as well as other sources.

  2. As a vendor that services the Vernon and Sussex stores, I am impressed with what Acme has done in 3 days to refurbish these stores. They are brighter and cleaner better prices. I have seen more customers in the Vernon store than I've seen in the last 4 years. So good luck Acme!

  3. I can't wait to go to the Blairstown store- closest one to me, just like a half-hour drive. I don't think I ever went to that one before the conversion, so it'll be a totally new experience.

  4. And here's a (small) photo of the Blairstown store in mid-conversion:
    Note the Acme lettering's lying around in a big pallet thing.
