Monday, May 11, 2015

"The Story of Louella Butter"

Images courtesy of Greg Prichard

These classic images are from a 1950 Acme Louella Butter publicity booklet. The majority of the booklet consists of the history of butter with these stunning classic Acme images.


  1. What an interesting tableau from Acme's glorious past! Checking out the wall-mounted (live?) foliage, the ceiling-level Modine heating units -- retro HVAC at its best -- and the darker floor tiles. What was the brand (not legible) of ice cream that merited what looks like a permanent sign on the column? And is that a coffee grinder in the second aisle (has four-step instructions on it)? All delightful to see!!! * * *

  2. I am with PennFruit --I could get lost in that last picture. Kind of reminds me of that scene from Double Indemnity where the characters are in a San Fran supermarket in the 1940's. I can watch it over and over just taking in the atmosphere.

  3. Notice how the vents in the ceiling...
    This might be the old Newtown store!

  4. I thought only the A&P had the coffee grinder.....

    1. Wasn't A&P's gimmick the grinders at the registers, not in the aisles? Which I believe most stores still have?
