Monday, November 10, 2014

Have an off-topic comment or question?
Post it here for all to see.
Visit all previous monthly discussions by clicking here.

 Running a little late with November's Discussions post.
As you have noticed, operations at Acme Style have been
unexpectedly suspended for the past few weeks.
I am pleased to announce the blog will be
up and running beginning this week. 

All off-topic comments left under store posts are moved to
the most recent monthly discussions post.  


  1. The last Genuardi's is near an existing Acme. Suppose it will spin off or close, or will Albertsons revive the name?

    1. A revival of the name would make sense from a marketing point of view, since Albertson's could use a banner that sits between Wegman's and Acme. However I fear it would be daunting in every other aspect.


    Aldi bought all the bottom dollar food locations, not known if they will be converted or sold on.

    1. This news will finally be going up in tomorrow's News Break post.

  3. Not really new news, but what about how A&P has jumped on the "card-free savings" bandwagon? Will it last or is this just another phase and the cards will return again, or will something else come along to unify the tactical tracking/rewards aspect of loyalty? Additionally, what might happen to Pathmark? Will it be sold as its own unit? Will the entire company be sold? Will A&P just keep it for lack of a buyer and will we just continue to see the slow demise? The lack of willingness to integrate any aspects of Pathmark's operations with the rest of the company has caused contemplation for almost eight years now.
    Looking forward to more Acme posts here

    1. Is A&P now card-free? I don't see anything about it in their circular. Haven't been in one in a while now. I wish I had some answers to your questions. I have the same questions too!

    2. Yep, Waldbaums was first (guinea pig?), back in July, and the others joined shortly after. It was one of the first things the new CEO did. In the meantime, "Neighborhood" remodels have continued to keep the company busy, and they've been doing an excellent job, while appearing to stay on a budget this time around! They've also been kind to a number of "Go Fresh. Go Local." or "deluxe" Pathmarks, finally giving them decent aisle markers again, the tri-fold faux wood A&P ones but with the Pathmark logo. It's very nice. Flooring is only replaced where it needs to be, and the checkstands generally stay, but are given nice bright red panels. It is good to see them not cheaping out like they did after the acquisition, but also not going all AHOLD on their stores, spending thousands more than they need to and destroying their personality.

    3. Are there "Neighborhood" remodels for A&P? I know some Patohmarks are getting the new red, white and grey remodel. Haven't seen any new A&P remodels. Do you know of any in North Jersey? The Edgewater Pathmark, with it's deluxe remodel, is still stuck with the awful "SAVE" aisle markers. They have rearranged the store yet again, adding in a double wide deals aisle. Wish they would just leave the place alone. I don't shop there as much as I used to because I get so sick of trying to find things that they move.

    4. Now that you mention it, I think they are sticking with the Fresh one for A&P, though things might change. The interior of A&P in Woodland Park, NJ is, as far as I know, what A&P is currently putting in, as the Waldbaums in Rocky Point, NY received it after "Neighborhood" was introduced in Weehawken. It is kinda dated and backwards, but I suppose if they were gonna dig through their past for a decor package, that one makes the most sense. I do know, however, that their plans for Pathmark is big, and they will probably continue to go crazy as long as they have the money. I guess somebody looked at the chain on store level and realized that some (simple) problems needed to be dealt with! Gotta love the "SAVE" treatment. I admit that I admired the liveliness and energy the yellow and blue brought to the place at the time, but it obviously exacerbated a problem that Pathmark created in the early 2000s. I thought "path to" sucked from the beginning, but now it's sort of nice to see the store brand still on the walls, albeit with yellow foam board taped haphazardly over it!

    5. Waldbaums and Pathmark got rid of their loyalty programs, but A&P and Superfresh still hold onto their bonus clubs, as far as I know. I used my A&P Bonus card last week.

    6. Dave, you are absolutely right. I stand corrected. A&P, Superfresh and The Food Emporium have not gotten rid of it yet. They may still do so.

    7. It still says with card on some (but not all) items in the ad this week (at least the online ad). So maybe they are moving slowly towards getting rid of it?

    8. They may have started with the ads starting 11/14 as "card free" at A&P and superfresh. The food Emporium still has its Fresh Club card

  4. New britain closes as of November 13th at 5pm

    1. Wow, that was fast. I was planning on visiting the store this coming weekend but looks like I'll be too late. Do you work there? Is there any chance you can get us some interior pictures?

  5. Price Chopper is rebranding itself as Market 32.

    1. The new logo is one of the worst I've ever seen.

    2. I'm sorry but your logo is the ABSOLUTE WORST I ever seen. I, myself am a Price Chopper fan and I appreciate the new logo.

    3. I can't imagine mine is the worst you've ever seen. You would have to admit it's easier to read than "Mar 32 by Price Chopper Ket".

    4. So what, Atleast ours is innovative instead of your plain bland red "ACME" italic logo you have.

    5. Ohhhhh... you're referring to ACME's logo. That's not mine. I thought you were talking about Acme Style's logo. If you follow this blog, you would know I think ACME's logo is pretty bad. But then again... at least you can read it. "Mar 32 by Price Chopper Ket" is not innovative. It's a visual mess.

  6. In the past several years, I've seen Acme as an often dirty and overpriced store. While I'm far more sympathetic to Acme now, it just doesn't seem to be particularly large or upscale by any means, and I think that hurts it against things like Wegmans, which if I recall correctly, has comparable prices.

    What do you think Albertsons/Safeway should strive for for the Acme name? A neighborhood-centric approach so that some Acmes are better than others? Larger stores in suburban locations? A greater selection of general merchandise?
