Friday, June 6, 2014

Welcome to Acme Style's...


With Acme Markets getting better everyday, 
I thought it was about time for Acme Style to get a little better!
Check out all the changes...

Brand-new look!
New sign, sleeker layout and sharper colors
all help to make visiting Acme Style a real pleasure!

Improved directory!
Check out the much easier to view directory
along the right side of the blog!
Some added spacing has made a world of difference.
The labeling system for posts has been improved.
One new change is stores are now tagged with their "model" type. 
Just added… Model: 33M !
Work is still in progress to the labeling system and
should be complete in the next few weeks.  

 Updated Decor Directory!
Now included are all three versions of the
Premium Fresh & Healthy packages.
Updates are still in progress to some of the older decor posts. 
 You can visit the full directory by clicking here

Hope you enjoy the new and improved
Acme Style!

The Grand Opening Celebration will continue next week
with posts Tuesday through Friday!

Scroll down for a tour of
 a newly remodeled Acme!


  1. Love the new updates to the site! It was great before and it can only get better! Best of luck!
