Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Acme Video Game!

Acme Style Fan, Ryan B., has created a pitched-roof Acme in the video game Minecraft. He used the Parkesburg Acme for his inspiration. The video game provides the users an assortment of boxes which can be used to create anything they want. Ryan certainly has caught the spirit of the Parkesburg Acme! I'm just wondering where my shopping cart is so I can start strolling the aisles.

Thanks to Ryan for sharing his Acme creation!

Another Mindcraft Acme has been sent in... 

This one is based on the former Glassboro store and was sent in by "@" who is a regular commenter on Acme Style.


  1. I built a Minecaft ACME also. However, this one was modeled off the Glassboro ACME, with RWB décor. I can send in pictures if you want. My username is ACMEdude

  2. I built a Minecaft ACME also. However, this one was modeled off the acme maple shade nj, with albertsons marketplace decor . I can send in pictures if you want. If possible can you not use my name.

  3. I made several ACMES which have,no resemblance to Acme at all except for the decor.
