Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Medford Acme — Here to Stay!

Apparently there were enough rumors floating around town that they had to be addressed with this big ol' sign. Not sure what the sign's original purpose was. The current message covers over something that looks more permanent. This location faces tough competition from a nearby ShopRite. A full post on the current and former Acmes of Medford will be coming the near future. 

1 comment:

  1. This is probably about the nicest Acme I've ever been to. Like Mt. Holly, it was a Jamesway back in the 80's and early 90's. Store is 65,000 sqft., and has the Premium Fresh and Healthy decor and is a very clean store with a friendly staff. Maybe with the lower prices, this Acme can regain some of their old customers from that very nice and recently remodeled Shoprite down the road which opened in the late 90's.
