Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Announcements, updates, improvements...

Acme Style Directory: The stand alone directory website, which can be viewed by clicking here, is fully updated! All stores on that appear on the blog are now listed in the directory. The "Specialty Departments" section has additional categories as well as the brand-new "Classic Acme" category.

Directory: In addition to the stand alone directory having been updated, the directory list along the right side of the blog has also been significantly updated. The directory categories have been cleaned up and all posts on the blog have been reviewed with all applicable tags added to each.

Acme Style on your mobile deivce!  Blogger has launched a more convenient format for viewing blogs on smart phones and tablets. It is now available for Acme Style. No need to download an app. Just visit Acme Style through your mobile device browser and you will see the blog in it's new, simplified format.

RSS feed: Acme Style is now available as an RSS feed for use with Google Reader and other programs that make viewing blogs easier.

Post scheduling: Going forward, the "Big Post of the Week" will now be going up every other Friday. I can no longer pull off a post every Friday. This is largely due to the demands of my day job that have increased significantly over the past year. It's, unfortunately, leaving me much less time to work on the blog. Tuesday's "Pick of the Day" posts will continue a couple of times a month, most likely on the weeks when there won't be a Friday post.

Be sure to check back this Friday for
one of Acme's most extraordinary stores!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing:), but I sure will miss having a post to look forward to each friday:(.
