Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Step inside the Beach Haven Acme...

I have no idea what the point of this video is, apparently some sort of inside joke that's lost on me. All that aside, the video gives us a nice look inside the Acme in Beach Haven, New Jersey. Particularly the script logo on the door handles as the camera exits the store. I would suggest letting the video load and then jumping to the 2:50 when the camera finally heads indoors... unless of course you enjoy watching traffic lights change from green to red. Hitting the mute button wouldn't hurt either. Thanks to Barry Caselli for sending it in!


  1. what's an Acme indicator?

  2. This store is gorgeous except the 90's lighting which ruins it for me. But I love the mix of the 50's architecture with 60's/70's pylon signs with 80's/90's lighting and the 2003 Albertsons decor (I forget the name for it) and of course the current logo.

  3. i watch this guy's videos on youtube an acme
    indacator is an fixture for an elevator the company
    that makes the indacators name is acme
    selling acme elevator indacators in an acme store! now does anyone get it

  4. I've worked in this store for 4 years, this has gotta be the weirdest video I've ever seen on youtube. Also plans are to knock it down after this Summer season and rebuild, but like all things nothing is finalized.

  5. I have a feeling that the guy who made this video was a little..."loco"
