Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Store Count...

The following store has closed…
Jersey City


  1. WOW !!! What a SICK number and falling. When I started working for Acme (American Stores Co.) November 1978, there were 12 warehouses that included Bakeries,meat,produce,perishables, and frozen food, and of course general groceries. Acme even had there OWN meat packing plant and cattle farm. There were well over 400 stores.
    Now take a look at Acme, a job well done to all upper-management.

  2. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  3. yes lets thank upper management for all this. its sad how acme is dying a slow death. i used to work for acme two weeks ago i just quit and went to shoprite because they will actually give you hours.

  4. Upper managment SUCKS. I have been and still am working for Acme. It is not getting any better. There is no help in any of the stores. All part timers have been cut to 12 hours a week. I have been with Acme 15 years, and in that time it has gone down hill. When Acme was Acme it was fine. When Albertsons bought the company it started to go down. Now that Supervalu is running the show, It sucks. The store i work in, the employees are miserable. I hope someone else buys the company and changes it for the better. For Acmes sake.

  5. Sorry to hear that. When I worked at Acme years ago, things were pretty good. I'm sure it helped that I worked at one of the busiest stores in the region and got all the hours my schedule could handle. I left during the Albertsons era and at the time, it seemed as though things were finally looking up- the Clifton store was replaced by a brand new facility and Mount Freedom was an expansion into an area not previously served by an Acme (well, sort of). I was hopeful that the company was going to start making up for all those years of closing northern NJ stores by finally opening some new ones. Obviously that didn't happen.
