Friday, August 19, 2016

Reset Underway at Edgewater Acme!

Location: 481 River Rd, Edgewater, NJ

This week flew by before I was able to get any more posts done so I'm throwing up this quickie for today. When I was in the Edgewater Acme last weekend, I saw the sign above just as I was entering the store. Seemed strange that they were starting a reset weeks after the décor swap was completed.  Why wouldn't they have just done everything at once? Anyway, I was eager to check out what changes were underway but there wasn't much to see at that point. Ever since Acme took over this store, I have been wondering if they would do away with the double wide aisle 15. Pathmark made this change just a few years back when the Bank of America branch closed. They expanded grocery into the area that housed the bank branch and turned aisle 15 into seasonal and deals. I was sure the aisle's days were numbered the minute Acme took over. Seemed like so much wasted space. Sure enough, Acme is adding shelves down the middle and returning the aisle to its original state. The store will soon have a total of 21 aisles! Again, it's weird they didn't do this while they were doing the décor swap. Now they have to reconfigure the signs for aisles 15 to 21.

I'm looking forward to checking out the added selection  of this already awesome Acme once the reset is done. I'll be adding an update to this post once the reset is complete.

Update 8.22.16: Turns out... a MASSIVE reset is underway at this store. The place is a mess. All new shelving is going in. The health food department is getting all black shelving, along with the aisle end caps. They're not posting any signs as to where things are getting moved to, so shoppers are having to search up and down the aisles. Many aisles are just empty as inventory is quite low throughout the store. Looks more like the place is going out of business than a reset!

Update 8.27.16: Turns out...  (part 2) the double wide aisle is staying! Sort of. It's been shifted to aisle 16 instead of 15. And unlike Pathmark, Acme is not using the entire aisle for seasonal and promotional displays. The left side is all bottled water and the right side is the new chip aisle. According to the aisle 16 marker, promotional items will be in this aisle as well, most likely on displays down the center. This store is still turned upside down but some aisles are now complete and looking great. Even heard a shopper this morning say to his wife, "even the aisles are much nicer now".

For full coverage of the Edgewater Acme, please click here.


  1. Maybe they can have the aisle signs parallel to the aisle this time, it makes scanning the store easier in my opinion.

  2. I suppose if they really don't want to deal with moving and redoing the signs (much) they could just leave that Aisle 15 sign as it is, with items on the left for the left aisle and the right for the right one - maybe add an A & B or something to the sign.

    But it does seem that the signs turned the other way are easier to see when travelling across the store.

    1. Even if they are adding perpendicular aisles to fill in the "grand aisle" (which is possible), they're going to have to fiddle around with the signs anyway as they remove the black placards and shuffle them around.

  3. Yeah, wow, if you didn't know any better you would think they were shutting down again.

    They can't do this overnight?

    1. They are but it can't all be done in one night.

  4. Based on 8/27 Update - We have a ShopRite that has done a similar (but not identical) thing. They had a large aisle like that for "special" items - now they have done it such that the back half of the aisle is separated by a shelf and that has regular items on both sides and the middle shelf, while the front half is still special items, both on shelves on the side and displays in the center.

    In the end, both create the same spacing (two lengths or four 1/2 lengths of "regular" merchandise and the same two (or 4) of "Special" merchandise space.
