Location: 29 Cornwell Drive, Bridgeton, NJ

Welcome to the southern most, non-shore store in New Jersey. A 90's replacement of the pitched-roof model located at the opposite end of the strip. The facade seen here was often used on former Jamesways that were converted to Acmes in the mid 90's. Some locations that were expanded in the 90's also receieved this exterior look. This building appears to have been built from the ground up. A smaller store had existed here previously but doesn't appear to have been incorporated into the Acme. Satellite images of the roof and rear of the store show no obvious evidence of the former building being expanded into what stands today.

The Bridgeton Acme continues to survive despite increasing competition in the area. A ShopRite, located in a shopping center behind the Acme, has existed there since at least 2002. A Walmart has been open since at least 2006 just north of the Acme. Judging from the satellite images of the parking lot there, business seems rather anemic compared to other Walmarts. Another shopping center sits directly across the street from the Acme which was once home to an Ames and a grocery store. The center has sat empty virtually abandoned for a while as you'll see in photos down below. It is now coming back to life again. Aldi recently moved into a portion of the former supermarket.

90's signage still above the entrances. The "Food•Drug" signage was removed from most locations after the pharmacies were rebranded as Savon.

Ok, what is in these oranges boxes? I have no idea. Cookies? Can't seem to get away from them. We recently saw a similar display at the
Burlington store... from the late 90's! Very nice welcome sign.

I visited this store on a Saturday morning last fall. First stop of the day. I have to confess... I was pretty shocked at how empty the shelves were throughout the store. Didn't see anyone working on stocking the she, horrible way to create a satisfying shopping experience. There was hardly a roll of paper towels to be found. Maybe it was just an off day here but with all the competition nearby you'd think they get the shelves stocked.

90's Red/White/Blue store given the very basic version of the
Albertsons Marketplace package.
A reminder of the 90' decor for these departments...

The curved aisle markers are a pretty rare site these days. They were used most often in remodels but have recently been ditched for the
Premium Fresh and Healthy signage. Stores built with the deluxe Albertsons Marketplace decor had these
aisle markers. The
Tuckerton store has similar signs to the ones seen here but in the Industrial Circus decor style.

Have to say... I've been seeing Floral departments looking like this in a lot of Acmes these days.
Now for a look at the former pitched-roof store...

The original Acme is located at the opposite end of the strip. Opened in March 1963, possibly as a replacement for this location in town at Commerce and Pearl Streets...

Opened in 1952. Closing date unknown.
Back to the 1963 model...

Disguised along the front by a new facade.

Newer section added on this side during the Acme days.

The addition dates back to at least 1972 as we'll see below. Decent size for those days.

Second floor windows are sealed over. Great paint job hiding the many decades this building has under its belt.

The view from the old to the new(er).

Red oval logos still kicking around on some trailers despite SuperValu's efforts to remove every last one of them.
The aerial tour...
Very similar shopping center right across the street.

Former Jamesway/Ames to the left, unknown former supermarket to the right. The place is nearly deserted in these satellite photos but is currently coming back to life. Big Lots and Tractor Supply now occupy the Ames store. Dollar Tree and Aldi now split the building at the other end.

A look at the tough competition around the Bridgeton Acme.
Through the years...
A look at the store that once stood where the Acme is today. You can see the expansion to the pitched-roof Acme was complete by 1972.
Acme's first year!
The poor home owners probably didn't know what was coming at this point... an Acme soon to be in their backyard.
I've certainly seen deader Acmes that are surrounded by ShopRite, Walmart and other discount grocers. Bridgeton deserves credit for lasting this long. Perhaps the conditions seen inside on the day of my visit were the exception, not the rule.