Friday, February 1, 2013

Former Acme — Coal Township, PA

Classic photos courtesy of John from

Vandals did not attack the sign! The destruction you see here was done on purpose. Bi Lo Foods was preparing to mount their sign OVER the old Acme sign. You can see the bar along the top that was installed to hold the new sign. Hard to believe they left the old Acme sign otherwise intact. As you will see below, parts of the Acme sign are still visible after Bi Lo took over. But before we check that out... let's take a look at the Acme sign fully restored...

All fixed!
A little help with Photoshop and the classic fish-eye logo sign... the finest of all grocery store signs ever... is back to its original beauty.

And the Bi Lo is open. Old Acme sign peaking out from behind the new sign. Bi Lo took over this site after its parent company, Penn Traffic, purchased 45 Acme locations in 1995. John tells me very little was done to the interior before Bi Lo opened.

Acme - Coal Township
Photo courtesy of JoshAustin610's flickr collection

Josh reports that this store was a replacement for the 50's style store in Shamokin. You can view an image of that store by clicking here. And be sure to check out a photo of the very first Shamokin Acme by clicking here. Thanks to Josh for the tip that these photos were in his collection. He got a sneak peak at this post when it was accidentally published ahead of schedule.

You can see the former Shamokin store, now home to an Ace Hardware, on the left with the 70's replacement store just a bit down Route 61 on the right.

The former Acme/Bi Lo/BRL Grocery Outlet is currently home of a Buy Rite Liquidators. Satelite images for the area are limited. The building sits down a slight hill behind some other buildings along Route 61 and cannot be seen from the street view on google maps.

Coverage of this former Acme will continue. John will be getting some additional pictures of the store to share with us. He is also donating his collection of Acme memorabilia to Acme Style! We'll be checking out those items in the coming months.


  1. I have a picture on my Flickr page of the store from 2010:; multiple people in the comments insisted it was never anything between Acme and BRL, so your pictures prove otherwise.

    1. Thanks for the info on your image Josh. I added it to the post. You sent this comment in yesterday after the post was accidentally published!

  2. Buy Rite Liquor? In Pennsylvania? Say it isn't so...

    1. It isn't so! No liquor stores in PA. Should be Buy Rite Liquidators.

  3. I was wondering why the post disappeared so quickly.

  4. There are no liquor stores in PA? How can that be? Supermarkets are forbidden from selling alcohol in PA...

    1. Well no privately run liquor stores. They're all run by the state.

  5. Did any of the Acme stores sold to Penn Traffic go on to become Topps stores after PT was liquidated?

    1. I'm not sure how many of those former Acmes Penn Traffic was still operating prior to their liquidation. I think most of them had been closed many years ago.

  6. Most of the Insalaco's and Bilo stores in northeast PA closed around 1999; the only Penn Traffic stores in PA that became Tops were in the northwest area close to the NY state line (closer to Erie).

  7. penn traffic had 2 stores in sayre,pa. one was a p&c and one a acme. when tops bout pt's assets they had to get rid of one of the stores. pt had acme a frame style store in canton,pa. that store is now a tops. also the acme in Wellsboro,pa is now a tops.

  8. Buy Rite Liquidators is gone from this location as well, who knows what the future holds for this former ACME site.

  9. thank God Penn Travel is gone.

  10. Hello AcmestyleBlog My Name Is Kyle Schu I Live My Whole In This Area The BRL Grocery Outlet Closed Since Of Nov Of 2013 Since Of The End Of Oct 2013 I Been Helping The Realtor Get Hopefully New Supermarket/ Grocery Outlet In There Or Some Kind Of Retail Store BRL Grocery Outlet Was The Best Discounted Supermarket Around Me And People Badly Miss It !

  11. I am searching for a photo the acme store in Sayre PA from around 1955. I want to use in a Photo Collage Gift for a very special friend. He was produce manager there
