Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A New Acme TV commercial...

As I was preparing the ads for the Lincroft Grand Opening post, I wondered what Acme's current TV commercials were like. I don't live in an area where they would air so I headed over to you tube to see what I could find. To my surprise were some very delightful "We're Fresh" commercials for several of SuperValu's banners. The commercial above is Acme's holiday ad, the only current Acme ad I could find. There is a similar one for Jewel which you can view by clicking here. They just switch out the front doors and some other graphics throughout the commercial to match up with the specific chain. A non-holiday commercial for Albertsons can seen here.


  1. ''Fresh'' has got to be the most overused word in grocery retailing history. That and ''save''.

  2. "Delightful"? I was thinking more like a disturbing flashback to the 70's!!!

    (BTW...couldn't post using Chrome!)

  3. How can you not love singing and dancing broccoli?
