Sunday, November 13, 2011

Clementon is comin' down!

The former Clementon Acme, which has been abandoned for about 2 decades, is about to be a thing of the past. The property's fate has finally been decided. Check out this Facebook to see the plans.


  1. I really feel bad this store has come to this. Big Lots has a store almost across the street from this which I think was a Food Fair/Pantry Pride and maybe Grand Union. Acme closed around 1993 and I think their building was available first (not to mention they always had the better location). The Grant City/Woolco/local discount store building was big and could have been used for anything too.

  2. By October of 2014, the store is long gone, as well as the sign:,+Berlin,+NJ+08009/@39.808217,-74.975027,3a,75y,212.08h,77.12t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1ssN5NmB7gjvxSCCZFNKcRpA!2e0!4m2!3m1!1s0x89c12d5d23fce0e7:0xbe66a56217f13688
