Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Jersey Shore Tour has resumed...

Apologies for the delay of the "Final Days" of the Shore Tour. Acme Style was out of commission all of last weekend and several days this past week. Add to that the endless hours I have sat in traffic due to flooding for the past 2 weeks, there just hasn't been much blogging going on around here. The posts scheduled for last Tuesday have arrived. Three former locations which are being presented with satellite images only due to the lack of Acme features remaining today. One store has even been long torn down. I wanted to include these locations, as unexciting as they are, in an attempt to present every single Acme and former Acme along the Jersey Shore.

The Grand Finale of the Jersey Shore Tour 2011 will be presented on Tuesday While not nearly as exciting as the Grand Finale from last year, it is among my favorite types of Acmes to cover on the blog.

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