Tuesday, June 14, 2011

"Meet me at the Acme" Ruler


  1. I still have my Acme ruler that I got 50 years ago, during the summer of 1961, while a checker at the Acme on Long Beach Island. In those days we used Sweda registers, where the total printed at the top! For a good checker, like me, they were much faster than the old black National Cash Registers used in older stores. Today it's hard to call the LBI Acme a spring chicken! It's really sad today.

  2. Bill, which Acme are you talking about? Beach Haven?

  3. Yes, 9600 Long Beach Blvd, Beach Haven.

  4. I enjoy the memorabilia posts. Thanks for all the memories.

  5. Acme lover... keep your eye out for what may be the best memorabilia post yet! Should be up in the next week or two.

    Bill, Beach Haven wouldn't be sad is Acme had their way!
