Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Bonus Memorabilia!

Came across this while digging through some things I've had in storage for many many years. This bag dates back to the late 90's, an era when Giant of PA was the greatest supermarket in the world! The whole "Walter is picking our produce" campaign was an undeniable dud. Billboards went up all over the place announcing the arrival of Walter with no further details in an attempt to build suspense. It was eventually revealed that "he" was now selecting and approving the produce for Giant. I could have cared less. Never did notice a difference or improvement in Giant's already excellent produce. The whole campaign was absolutely ridiculous and, in my opinion, one of Giant's only missteps in the 90's.


  1. Edwards had the "Walter" campaign too. I never thought it made a whole lot of sense either.

  2. The SAME campaign was used at EDWARDS SUPER FOOD STORES after their conversion from the Finast banner. AHOLD owned both GIANT PA and EDWARDS at the time! Edwards Super Food Stores became Stop&Shop after AHOLD's purchase of the former Boston based chain. Many Edwards were sold as they competed in overlapping markets with Stop&Shop to begin with. Once the Edwards banner was gone, so was Walter!

    1. Edwarda was under the control of Giant-Carlisle at that time so it would make sense that they would have similar marketing campaigns. It wasn't until they converted the stores to Stop & Shop that control went to Quincy MA.

      It was interesting that Edwards was so price aggressive in NJ at the time similar to how Giant was. They were good competition to Shoprite.

  3. EDWARDS was a great concept and EDWARDS was a very competitively priced chain and did give many chains, A&P, Waldbaums, Pathmark and Stop&Shop loads of competition as they'd often compare their prices to those of competing chains. Edwards always had a shopping cart full of groceries from their store and the same cart from a competitor, more often than not Edwards cart was much lower than the competition no matter who they were. I miss Edwards.

    1. Then again Giant of Carlisle isn't what they used to be either.

    2. They sure aren't. They're essentially Stop&Shop with a different name.

    3. I was going to say, while the Walter campaign was silly, at least at that time, Giant had some sort of a local identity and charm.

      Now, I don't really see any difference between shopping at Giant vs. Walmart...same lack of/poorly trained staff and stupid cost-cutting measures, with the bonus of confusing gasoline/points deals thrown in. The only thing Giant has going for it is the sheer number of locations, at least in the Philadelphia suburbs, and 'okay' everyday prices (except some of the ridiculously priced produce, which doesn't seem any better than anywhere else).

      In case anyone is interested, here is a 'Walter' commercial I pulled off an old VHS tape years ago.


    4. Oh Giant had more than identity and charm. It was the greatest supermarket chain in the 90's!!!

  4. Stop&Shop is probably the most plain, boring supermarket decor wise to shop at. That stupid non sensical fruit bowl is everywhere, and the whole store is beige and purple. I miss the OLD Pre-Ahold Stop&Shop, traffic light and all! Lol

  5. The new Ahold gray decor is horrible. You feel like your shopping in a dark while. Giant Rehoboth Beach DE just got that package.

    1. Horrible is right! I've seen some pictures. What were they thinking???

    2. Saw some pictures of a new Giant store (Harrisburg) Really ugly and cheap outside and in....

    3. Probably were my pictures of the Harrisburg (Giant) that you saw. While there's some that like it, overall that store has received scathing reviews. Cramped, terribly configured, dark and several people say the roof leaks (I haven't seen that myself). Even more irritating is that they easily could've made the store bigger--the entire shopping center to the left of it is empty up to Value City Furniture way on the end. I don't what they're thinking nowadays and the new decor package they're rolling out makes me wonder even more...

    4. Yep it was your pics (didn't know if you were on here or not)
