Saturday, October 1, 2016

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  1. There's a remodel underway at the Ortley Beach location. They're ripping out the front, futuristic, slanted windows as well as the cashier area underneath and are doing something new. I can't tell yet what will become of it.

  2. Mystery solved: I asked an employee. She said they're installing a similar facade to the ones in Sea Isle and LBI.

  3. There has been a lot of talk on here lately about the Frankford Avenue Thriftway, which was one of the four that continued using the Thriftway/SNB banner after the IGA buyout. There has also been a proposal to designate the building as a historic structure.
    I'm afraid I have some bad news: it, along with the other remaining Thriftway, has closed. There are now only two Shop N Bags left, and no Thriftways.

  4. Acme style, can you tell us what the total store count is?
    Can you break it down by state also?

    1. Yes! I have been working on an updated store count. Thanks for the reminder! I'm afraid the last count on the blog was a bit off but I have gathered a list of all stores currently open which I will post as well. I'll get it done this week.

  5. Looks like Supervalu is finally getting rid of Save-A-Lot.

    "Supervalu said Monday that it sold Save-A-Lot, its discount supermarket chain, to Onex Corp., a Toronto investment group, for $1.37 billion."

    I once knew someone who got toilet paper from an employer……a lot of toliet paper, like almost 100 rolls!
    Welllllll, so I knew this guy, a friend from my past, who worked for certain grocery store over the summer during college. With each regular grocery truck shipment, the store also got "in store use" store supplies which were generic cleaning, register paper, grocery bags (paper and the newer plastic bags) and other items -not the consumer brands as stocked on the store shelves. One of the typical supply items was the cheapest toilet paper rolls known to mankind. This generic toilet paper was very rough but had far more feet per roll than the usual consumer brands sold by the store. Its rough quality even made Scott brand toilet paper seem like the finest cotton made by mankind, but, because of the extra length, this paper lasted a lot longer IF you could tolerate the feel on your nether regions.
    Of course, none of the women working in the store wanted to use the rough "in store use" toilet paper. And there were always rolls of the much softer consumer brands toilet paper roll packages that had been damaged by customers or come open on the shelves due to defective packaging. So the female assistant manager would write-off the packages of the much softer consumer paper rolls as “destroyed/discarded” and then put the good rolls from the packages in the ladies' bathroom.
    The “in store use“ store supply toilet paper rolls kept arriving weekly and building up in the janitor closet since the company sent 4 to 6 rolls per week on the freight trucks with other items for "in store use". It never got used very much except to resupply the men's bathroom which still didn't have the same level of use as a ladies bathroom would have had due to obvious reasons.
    Continued in part 2
    Lew, Point Pleasant, NJ

  7. THE FREE TOILET PAPER SAGA STORY....part 2 continued

    So this friend then figured out about this nice, large, free source of rolls of toilet paper that were NOT counted in the store's regular grocery inventory. This meant that the multiple rolls wouldn't be accounted for or missed during inventories. And the store manager never, ever went in the janitor closet since it was -below- him to do that so the manager didnt see the rolls building up on the shelves. So the friend started to bring about 8 rolls of "in store use" toilet paper out of the store in ~empty~ 2 liter cola cardboard boxes each time he got the "empty" boxes in order to use the boxes to move his belongings to college for his 2nd year. By the time the summer had ended, he had exhausted much of the over flow of "in store use" toilet paper rolls from the janitors closet and this was even at the same time while the "in store use" toilet paper was being used in the men's bathroom all summer long. The store manager, as a man, never ever knew that the ladies room had not gotten an "in store use" toilet paper roll put in it for months.
    When he was done, in fact, the friend had gotten 96 (!!!) rolls of the “in store use” store supply toilet paper for him and his 3 college apartment roommates to begin to use in the fall. One college roommate complained about the rough toilet paper just after moving in to the dorm apartment in September, at the start of the college year. The friend told that roommate to spend money to buy his own soft toilet paper or jump in a lake if he didn't like the free toilet paper. As the complaining roommate was also very cheap, he ended up quieting his complaints and never spent his money on soft toilet paper. The 96 rolls of toilet paper actually ended up lasting the entire college year in that dorm apartment (only with males using it, though) because the rolls were so much longer than regular consumer brand toilet paper. There were still about one or two unused rolls remaining plus what was still hanging in the bathroom when the college year finished in May of the next calendar year! The friend took the unused extra rolls with him to a summer rental house down at the beach where he had a different and much cooler summer job than the grocery store job the prior year.
    The grocery store was later gutted and rebuilt as a drug store about 14 years later. The renovation crew probably found unused "in store use" toilet paper rolls in the building when they began demolition....

    Lew, Point Pleasant, NJ
