Monday, September 12, 2016

First Look at the New Salisbury Acme!

Photos courtesy of Marv

Location: 751 S Salisbury Blvd, Salisbury, MD

Opening date: Friday September 9, 2016

 Some observations from Marv...

Acme spent some serious money installing all new equipment in the service departments (meat, deli, bakery, seafood). New lighting was installed in the produce department and in the back half of the store near the service departments. Seafood was expanded and all the existing fixtures were cleaned and replaced where needed. The organic section Giant had in the front corner was kept and is fully stocked with O organics and other national brands. They brought the build your own six pack of beer feature in as well.

I'm a little confused by the aisle sign here. Looks like it's aisle 1 but I would think Dairy is on the opposite side of the store. Of course I've never been here so I have no idea what the layout is like beside what we can see in these photos. 

Cheap eggs! 

The self checkouts survived! Strange considering it looks as though all the other register stands were replaced along the front-end. Is Acme pulling back on pulling out self-checkouts? The image above was taken from a report done WMDT. To watch the full video, click here

Image above is from WRDE Coast -TV report. Full video is below...

A look at the circular for Salisbury...


  1. From the pictures here it looks like Acme kept the Giant-MD layout. That would be Produce as you enter, Dairy on the right, Service Departments in the back - Deli and Bakery near Dairy and Seafood near Frozen - and Frozen on the left. Can't tell where the Pharmacy is located. If this store didn't get a layout change when Ahold remodeled the Pharmacy should be in the back center. This store probably has a very similar layout to the Trooper, PA store which is a former Super G (Giant-MD). Acme made some modifications in Trooper like moving the Pharmacy to the front and moving the Seafood section between Meat and Deli where the Super G Pharmacy was located. I'd be curious to know if Acme made any layout changes. I'll admit the Giant-MD layout prior to Ahold was a bit odd but for someone who is used to it, believe it or not, it does make sense.

  2. Acme made zero layout changes to the store. Pharmacy is in the front left corner of the store next to the checkouts. Self checkouts were retained due to the volume the store did as Giant. Next to self checkouts is the flower shop. The flower shop was originally in the front right corner of the store where the Orgabic section is now. Thor store had a heavy demand for organics which is why giant created the Orgabic corner. . Customer service used to be were the flower shop is now. Customer service relocated to the former Checy Chase Bank area during Giants ownership. Giant ended their relationship with Chevy Chase lbefore it was acquired by Capital One.

    Dairy is on the right side of the store Frozen is on the left. There are 2.5 aisles and a massive corner for frozen goods. Next to frozen going from the right of the department is the bakery followed by the deli and hot foods to go area. This giant originally had fresh sushi which they later dropped. Area was converted to more vegan and go mess. Next is the meat department followed by seafood.

    Orgabic produce was expanded greatly but some of the products that giant had were dropped.

  3. Both Brown's Mills and Bordentown nj acme's still have self checkouts

    1. But they're not surviving at all in any of the converted stores.

  4. Are those SuperValu-style pricetags?
