Monday, August 15, 2016

Remodel Underway at Warren Acme!

Location: 177 Washington Valley Road, Warren, NJ

Interior photos courtesy of Dan Asnis

So far it's looking like more of a décor swap than a remodel but I'll be keeping my eye on the place to see what unfolds.

For additional coverage of the Warren Acme, please click here.


  1. I love how Cheez Whiz is apparently so important that the brand name is on the dairy aisle sign.

    People do get confused where it is, though. Most stores put it in the dairy, but some put it in a grocery aisle. People get confused because it's not refrigerated unlike the rest of dairy.

  2. I I know what you mean, the stores and supermarkets near me all have it in the grocery aisles, but some outside of my area have it on an end cap near the dairy aisle.

  3. I'm guessing based on the aisle markers that they didn't get a fresh overhaul at all?

    1. The store hadn't been touched since its 90's remodel....

    2. One employees told me he was there for the last remodel in 2001.

    3. Well the décor and flooring certainly weren't replaced during that remodel.

  4. Perhaps that was more of a move stuff around than a true remodel?
    That could also explain the Cheez Whiz sign (as it might have been somewhere else and then moved to the dairy aisle - we have a store that did that with bread crumbs, had them in the pasta aisle then moved them to the bread aisle).

    1. It's the same type of basic remodel they're doing at most of the converted stores... décor swap, reset, over and out.

    2. Sorry, was referring to the one in 2001 mentioned above. Thinking since that one didn't change much (like décor or floor) perhaps it was more of a moving stuff around than a true "remodel" of the store.
