Friday, August 12, 2016

Brand New Acme – Sea Isle City, New Jersey

Photo above courtesy of Michael Lisicky

Location: 6212 Landis Ave, Sea Isle City, NJ

It's finally here! The tour of the brand-new Sea Isle City store!! Photos have been kindly sent in by two of our regular contributors. Sent in the very same week no less! Both report the store was insanely busy on their visits with the parking lot being an absolute nightmare. 

Photos courtesy of dougbalt (unless noted otherwise)

The exterior of the store is very similar to the replacement store in Beach Haven.

Beach supply cage to the right on the entrance.

I'll take some! Haven't been to this part of the shore since I was a kid.

You'll have better luck riding your bike here than driving.

Elevated entrance like in Beach Haven. The whole store is elevated to avoid flooding when the sea rolls over this part of the island.

The "ACME" on the cart handles is apparently very easy to scratch off. I just noticed today that half the carts at my local Acme no longer have the logo.

Photo above courtesy of Michael Lisicky

While this place is around 3 times larger than the store it replaced, it's still relatively small.

Photo above courtesy of Michael Lisicky

Corner Deli sign is squeezed in back here. Bumps right up to the Bakery wall. Snazzy flat screens along the back wall!

Polished concrete floors throughout.

Photo above courtesy of Michael Lisicky

Very small Bakery tucked in the corner. Have to say... I HATE Acme's roll and bagel bins. So unappealing. They've been around for years and I'm really surprised they haven't switched to more appetizing display cases for these new stores.

The Meat Department wall is brown here instead the gray color we've been seeing in the converted stores.

The last aisle is CLASSIC Acme. Frozen and Dairy with a tiny Customer Service counter in the front corner. The store has a decent width to fit 14 aisles but, as Doug noted, the aisles are pretty short.

Super modern bathrooms in the front corner!

I think my 50's Acme had a bigger Customer Service desk!

The registers are angled. A total of only seven must make for some long lines, especially on the weekends.

Photo above courtesy of Michael Lisicky

Two express registers at this end. 

A couple shots from around back...

And here we see Doug trying to navigate the jam packed parking lot!

Thanks to both Doug and Michael for bringing us a tour of the Sea Isle City store!! 


  1. Haven't been here in person yet but like the Beach Haven store, it looks perfectly adequate. That means nothing special- some of the remodeled former A&Ps are much nicer than this- but good enough for a shore community where most people are going to drop by once or twice in a rush to get everything they need for a week away from home. It's too bad a classic Acme was lost but this was greatly needed and it's good to see the company investing in existing markets instead of abandoning them. Parking will be a problem but it was always one to begin with.

  2. And you'd think people would be used to having limited parking - isn't that generally an issue all over any of those beachfront communities in season?

  3. It doesn't seem like the best ACME around, but it's relatively clean and attractive, plus with the expanded building it's the perfect place to grab some fried chicken to eat at the beach. I could go for some "Signature" fried chicken right now...

    1. It has a very clean and upscale feel, although it's very busy.
