Friday, February 5, 2016

Store Count...

The following Acme location has opened:

Former Genuardi's at 12 West Bay Avenue, Barnegat, NJ


  1. Acme style, why do you suppose that Albertson's / Acme decided to bypass the NYC metropolitan area stores and just pick up the A&P stores in Westchester, Putnam and Dutchess Counties as well as the four small, and I mean small stores in lower Fairfield County Ct.?

    1. All I know about the situation is that Acme cherry picked A&P's most profitable stores.

    2. At least for Dutchess, three stores A&P had (Pleasant Valley, LaGrange and Hopewell Junction) were basically the only store in that particular area.
      Pleasant Valley had an old GU converted to Key for a while but then eventually closed.
      Hopewell had a GU across the street which, last I knew was a CVS and something else (hardware, perhaps).
      So it's not surprising they took those two, while ShopRite grabbed the LaGrange (which is kind of "in the middle".
      Not sure if the rest of those areas might be similar (little or no competition) which would tend to make them profitable?


    From what I've heard from some Barnegat residents I work with, the place has been mobbed. Barnegat Acme opens to a "Blizzard of Activity." I will get pics this weekend.
