Monday, January 25, 2016

News Break: 


Sales at the Albertsons stores formerly operated by Supervalu continued to show strong improvements during the chain’s third quarter ended Dec. 5, with identical-store sales up 9.9%, following jumps of 9.7% in the second quarter and 9.5% in the first. 

ID [identical-store] sales for the quarter also improved at three other Albertsons segments: up 5.6% at Safeway, up 3.6% at New Albertsons Inc. (Jewel-Osco, Acme and Shaw’s) — after adjusting for the labor dispute a year ago at Tweksbury Mass.-based Demoulas Market Basket, which inflated comparisons the company noted — and up 0.9% at legacy Albertsons locations in the West and Southwest.  

Unfortunately Acme gets lumped in with Jewel and Shaw's so we don't get specific numbers for each banner. A 3.6% increase for the 3 chains overall is certainly a nice bump especially considering Acme  and Shaw's were in a death spiral prior to Alberstons taking over. Both chains saw staggering drops in sales and market share year after year under SuperValu's leadership. Jewel had better luck and escaped the SuperValu years largely unscathed. I'll be keeping an eye out to see if any numbers specific to Acme are revelaed. I'm sure they'll be looking to eventually get word out about the success they're having with the stores they acquired from A&P.

To read the full article on, please click here

1 comment:

  1. It's too bad they don't break it down by individual chains. I'd be curious to see how much of the bump was for the former Texas division, which narrowly avoided closure.
