Tuesday, July 1, 2014

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  1. When will you be posting the acme of Medford nj

    1. Medford will be posted by the end of the month.

  2. The Fairless Hills shop rite Renovation is going quickly, Gone are the frozen food Coffin Cases. Aisle 11-12 Are frozen food, Pre-Renovation had Frozen food for both aisles,
    Post renovation will have 1 and half aisle of frozen food, Aisle 12 will now have snacks in its place,

    Another update: New cases replaced the old ones in Aisle 18, prepackaged bacon, Lunchables, etc moved from produce to Aisle 18. Dairy still Occupies aisle 18.

    If you are gonna do a Bonus Store documentation of Shop Rite Fairless hills, You better get a shot of the Aisle Markers there, Once the renovations complete, they may go bye-bye-

    1. That's Interesting, If Acme Style Does Post It, That Will Be Neat To See!

    2. I'm going to assume the Fairless Hills Shop Rite is a former Acme store??

    3. It's a former A&P/Super Fresh. I unfortunately don't have any plans to visit the store during or after the remodel.

    4. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

    5. The A&P was demolished in early 90s, not expanded. It was demolished to make way for the Super Fresh.

    6. Besides, I sent ACME Style pictures of the renovation thats taking place of the shop rite.

  3. Has anyone heard of Rastelli's Market Fresh...? I noticed they're about to open a store in a former Genuardi's on Rt. 73 in Marlton, NJ bordering Voorhees. Supposed to be open this summer, do they have stores in PA & I wonder if they would ever open a store at the vacant Genuardi's in Barnegat, NJ. Acme should really be in that vacant Barnegat location just for the overflow from the ShopRites in the area that most older folks don't like to shop in!

  4. Does anybody have any insight regarding the former A&P and future Whole Foods in Morristown, NJ? Shortly after the store closed, the A&P Centennial "railings" were taken off the building and a new roof was installed. However, ever since then, the building has remained unchanged in appearance (at least as of about a month ago, when I last drove by). I figure that there must be some problem happening, because Whole Foods certainly won't be opening in late 2014/early 2015 as planned, given the rate current renovations are progressing.

    I do admit that part of me does not want the renovations to proceed, because then the Centennial will likely be altered beyond recognition. However, that whole area now looks ugly, because a fence has been placed in front of the parking lot to the former A&P and Washington Cleaners (which has also closed).

  5. GuMan, I've never heard of Rastelli's Market Fresh, but I looked up some stuff about them. They seem to be (their current store) a small 'Italian' focused specialty grocer (like The Fresh Market or Trader Joe's style setup). It appears they aren't taking the entire building over, as the press release says the store will be '35,000 square feet', so it looks like it isn't going to really be a traditional grocery store.

    1. Thanks Matt, we'll see if they make it in that location!

  6. I drove past the former A&P today, and everything still looks the same.

    1. The Shop-Rite @Fairless hills? They're doing a renovation and remodel, The outside looks slightly different, but go inside and it's a different story. Also Kmarts dwindling at a fast pace, 2 stores in Detriot and 1 in Brooklyn are closing. http://www.freep.com/article/20140710/BUSINESS/307100159/2-more-metro-Detroit-Kmarts-closing

  7. Can anyone...ANYONE out there explain what the heck is going on at Market Basket in New England? I have been trying to piece it together from the news reports, but I can't figure out what caused all the chaos, and also what the shut-down is about. Are the stores open or closed...and who is protesting?

    1. I don't know much of anything about Market Basket but have found some interesting articles on the situation. Looks like the chains days are numbered. Shoppers are siding with employees and going elsewhere. Have you seen the articles on Supermarketnews.com?

    2. Market Basket seems like a very super-local (but quite big) family owned chain which goes up against the big guys (Stop & Shop, Walmart and Shaws/Star) and beats them. Seems kind of a New England ShopRite. Everyone wants one in their town and people are very loyal.

      In any case, Supermarket News was the one who sparked my interest, but I couldn't understand the history behind the conflict. It is a non-union chain who is striking, and not over wages or benefits, but over strategic direction. I was kinda perplexed and intrigued. The Boston Globe has cleared it up for me. There are a few excellent articles on there last week which explained the whole situation. I hope they don't go under, but the last few weeks has meant a major uptick in sales for the competition since the chain's stores are completely empty due to the work stoppage.

  8. The aisle markers at shop rite at fairless hills are cruddy. So much it makes the basic albertsons marketplace decor and the albertsons marketplace by ceberus look like they were good

    1. Please post updates on this store under the monthly discussions and not under the latest posts.

    2. I went to the Fairless hills shop rite, oh boy, they have the new decor, which I sent you two pictures off, Unfortunately, I havent received any updates on the fate of the 90s A&P Aisle markers they have used on the Shop fite when it was a super fresh, after shop rite added the Aisle markers in.

  9. https://www.facebook.com/BrownsSuperStores/photos_stream Looks like The company that owns Shop-Rite at fairless hills has the picture of some remodel.

  10. Is there any truth to the rumor that ACME will replace the old Genuardi's in Barnegat, NJ? I heard they own the building and have continued to make lease payments on the property.
